We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I am trying to understand if it is possible to have something similar to this on p5.js:
* Jeff Thompson
* Adapted and annotated from code by Wharfie
* http://www.computing.net/answers/unix/run-unix-command-thr-java-program-/5887.html
* July 2011
* Runs Unix commands from within Processing. This can be *super* helpful for
* doing complex operations on folders such as copying or compressing multiple
* files. A simple command can make quick work of what would otherwise be a
* cumbersome task in Processing and will likely be much quicker than any Java
* implementation of the same process.
* You will likely need to specify the full path where you want to work, unless your
* location is relative to your sketch. For example: /Users/jeffthompson/Desktop
* Suggestions to try:
* whoami prints username currently logged on
* ls this lists all files in the particular location
* wc -w filename.extension this counts words in a particular file
* cp sourcefile.ext destfile.txt makes a copy of a file to a new one
* ./yourBashScript.sh run a bash script (allowing nested and more complex commands)
* For more ideas, look at the excellent SS64 site: http://ss64.com/bash
* www.jeffreythompson.org
void setup() {
// what command to run
String commandToRun = "whoami";
// String commandToRun = "ls";
// String commandToRun = "wc -w sourcefile.extension";
// String commandToRun = "cp sourcefile.extension destinationfile.extension";
// String commandToRun = "./yourBashScript.sh";
File workingDir = new File("/Users/jeffthompson/Documents/Processing/RunUnixCommands/"); // where to do it - should be full path
String returnedValues; // value to return any results
// give us some info:
println("Running command: " + commandToRun);
println("Location: " + workingDir);
// run the command!
try {
// complicated! basically, we have to load the exec command within Java's Runtime
// exec asks for 1. command to run, 2. null which essentially tells Processing to
// inherit the environment settings from the current setup (I am a bit confused on
// this so it seems best to leave it), and 3. location to work (full path is best)
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandToRun, null, workingDir);
// variable to check if we've received confirmation of the command
int i = p.waitFor();
// if we have an output, print to screen
if (i == 0) {
// BufferedReader used to get values back from the command
BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
// read the output from the command
while ( (returnedValues = stdInput.readLine ()) != null) {
// if there are any error messages but we can still get an output, they print here
else {
BufferedReader stdErr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
// if something is returned (ie: not null) print the result
while ( (returnedValues = stdErr.readLine ()) != null) {
// if there is an error, let us know
catch (Exception e) {
println("Error running command!");
// when done running command, quit
I guess p5.js is meant to work online and don't interact with the single computer, however I am working on a project that uses it locally and would be super-helpful to being able to run commands! Thanks!
This is non-trivial (i.e. to all intents and purposes not possible in a web only environment) and certainly not something you can reasonably expect p5js to deliver. As such you need to look elsewhere for a possible solution: e.g. stackoverflow: How to execute shell command in Javascript