Processing is running - but how do I install it?

edited May 2016 in Raspberry PI

Hi I downloaded Processing 3.0.2 to my Raspberry Pi, extracted it and am able run it if I double click the file called “processing”. But how do then I “install it”, so I can run it from terminal, have it added to the menu and right click files and “open with Processing”?

And sorry if my question is off or my mindset is old (this is my first experience with a Raspberry PI).


  • add the processing directory to your PATH environment variable

  • Hi Koogs

    Great, thanks! As mentioned I don't know much about Raspberry PI, where do I find/edit the PATH environment variable?

  • echo $PATH

    I normally create myself a bin directory under my home directory and then add that to $PATH by adding a line to .bashrc. That way anything I add scripts to my bin directory for easy access. Remember to make any of these scripts executable using chmod +x

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