Anyone else having problems with Mavericks/JDK1.7_45?

edited November 2013 in Using Processing


I can't get any sketch to run using Mavericks and JDK1.7_45. I get the following error: ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510) JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:750]

Any help would be great!

Many thanks




  • I should add that I'm using Processing 2.1.

    2.0.3 works with JDK1.6_65


  • Processing won't start at all for me when using Mavericks. How did you get it to launch?

  • Didn't do anything special. I can launch Processing and edit, but not run. ! ma using the 1.7 JRE - it seems to be a port clash. Processing sketches seem to want to use a prt that is reported to already be in use, though when I look at the ports in use the one that Processing is trying to use is not listed...

    I've reverted to 2.0.3 and JDK1.6_65 IN THE MEANTIME...

  • I'm going to mess around with it a bit more but then probably file a bug report.\

  • edited November 2013

    I had the same problems as listed here. It turned out that redownloading java from this source worked for me. Afterwards try to install the jdk 7 etc..

  • I got processing 2.0.3 and java from the source you listed but it still crashes. However, this time the logo shows up on the screen before it quits. Suspiciously there is no error in the console... Any suggestions?

  • edited December 2013

    Well uninstall java completly and try to reinstall it. What does it output if you type in

    java -version

    in terminal

    Oh and never run any Processing versions at the same time.

  • I confirm this issue, 2.1 fails to run, zero output to console. 2.0.3 opens up all right. java version "1.6.0_65"

  • edited December 2013

    Processing-2.0.3 is designed to use the Apple jvm, processing-2.1.0 is supposed to work as a standalone app with an included Oracle jdk1.7.0_45. Ben will probably tell you that so far it is not designed to work with Mavericks ( ie nothing has been promised ). I am interested in this issue because I am developing ruby-processing ( which seems to have a higher proportion MacOSX users than regular processing ), and had hoped to use the jars from an installed version of vanilla processing for ruby-processing. Here is yet another link that might be interesting, where they report the location of the java_home has changed on Mavericks. Pity there doesn't seem to be a brew formula available for processing.

  • edited December 2013

    I've just built the stack for a new machine which includes Mavericks, jdk1.7, and Processing 2.1. While Processing itself is stable, as is running sketches via the Processing GUI, running sketches using processing-java (eg using ST2's Processing Build package) freezes the entire OS interface. SSHing into the machine shows no CPU-consuming process, and the console log nor other debugging have revealed much info.

    I have downgrading to jdk 1.6 and Processing 2.0.3 and I am no longer witnessing the crashing.

    Verify the Java version from within a sketch with:


  • edited January 2014

    so, two months later, any chances to learn how to use Processing 2.1 with OSX 10.9? I istalled oracle's JDK 7u45 but this made no change to the situation

  • I have downgrading to jdk 1.6 and Processing 2.0.3 and I am no longer witnessing the crashing.

    Even Processing 1.5.1 works perfectly w/ JDK 1.7! JDK 1.6 is unnecessary! B-)

  • No jdk is necessary with processing-2.1 (it comes with its own jdk, yes even on MacOSX). Has anyone tried installing with Homebrew.

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