coverrt 1D image array to 2d arrays

hi, I have this program which displays images in an array, but I need to convert them into a 2D array. This is for loading a single array, i need to create a 2d array of images at the same place, so i have two arrays of two different sets of images, that i need to display at the same place. PImage [][] movEyes1 = new PImage[24] [17] ;/ how can i create this into a 2d array? Will something like this work

`` for (int i=0; i< movEyes1.length; i++)`

    for (int j=0; i< movEyes1.length; i++) 

    PImage img = loadImage( i +"h.jpg","c.jpg");// rebecca
    PImage img1 = loadImage( j+"c.jpg");// rebecca

    movEyes1[i] [j] = img.get(130, 170, 310, 100); //Get a portion of the loaded image with displaying it


in setup and then in draw i write

`// have to make 2d arrays, for mov, with three arrays to call at random

 int idx = (int)map(mouseX, 0, 2*width, 0.0, movEyes1.length -1);
  image(movEyes1[i], 0, 0, movEyes1[idx].width, movEyes1[idx].height -1);

Can someone help? Thanks



  • You might want to format your code

    Select, hit ctrl-o

    In the 2nd for-loop you want to use only j (and not a mix of j and i)

    also j<movEyes[i].length

    Now you load 2 images but you use only 1 ...?

  • edited April 2016
         for (int i=0; i< movEyes1.length; i++) 
           for (int j=0; j< movEyes1.length; j++) 
            PImage img = loadImage( i +"h.jpg","c.jpg");// rebecca
            PImage img1 = loadImage( j+"c.jpg");// rebecca
            movEyes1[i] [j] = img.get(130, 170, 310, 100); //Get a portion of the loaded image with displaying it

    Ah sorry, stupid error, I am confused on what to put in the draw function?

    int idx = (int)map(mouseX, 0, 2*width, 0.0, movEyes1.length -1);
     image(movEyes1[idx], 0, 0, movEyes1[idx].width, movEyes1[idx].height -1);

    Is for a single array, I want the same for both arrays . I want to draw both arrays one after the other, looped ? how would i do that?


  • Hm..... not sure why you need a 2D Array at all

    Anyway, you can just use mouseY and apply it to idy (the way you do now for idx)

    then use idx and idy together to access one image in the 2D array

  • i get an error which says the global variable width doesn't exist? which is weird because int idx = (int)map(mouseX, 0, 2*width, 0.0, mEyes1.length -1); image(mEyes1[idx], 0, 0, mEyes1[idx].width, mEyes1[idx].height -1);

    There are two separate arrays with a set of images in each. I want to call one array after the other. So it cycles through one array and then jumps to the other.


  • Are we still talking 2D arrays? Because they are not separated

  • mEyes1[idx][idy].width

  • I guess that's the width that's causing the error - because you try to access a 2D arrray as if it were 1D....

  • Oh it works, but displays only one image. I think declaring PImage [][] movEyes1 = new PImage[24] [17] ;/is wrong?

    because I assume this is a matrice? Because the values I put in are the number of images I have in that array?

  • No this line is ok

    If you have 24*17 images

  • But as I said your loading process is a bit surprising

    Try to println idx and idy if they come out right

  • The values are 0, because its only displaying one image. I'm sorry, I am new at this so I might be very wrong. I need it to cycle through the 1st array with 24 images, then the second array with 17 images. One after another, in the same position.

  • Atm you are using the mouse pos

    When you want to use automatic switch from image to image like in a Grid (showing one image at a time) :

    increase idx by 1 in draw() until 24 is reached then say idy++; and idx=0;

    This is like when you read you start a new line

    Repeat while idy<17


    there is a Tutorial on 2D arrays. A 2D array is a grid (like a Game of chess board)

    You have 24 x 17 images!!!!!! So over 300 images

    Not 2 arrays with 24 + 17 images. As you said.

    You need to get the difference.

    A grid with the sides 24 and 17 long.

    (You can make a 2D array with only 2 rows, the first 24 long and the second 17 but thats different from what you have now)

    // size of the grid (x * y) 
    int npointsX=24;
    int npointsY=17;
    // the grid (2D array)
    CPoint[][] cpoints=new CPoint[npointsX+1][npointsY+1];
    // --------------------------------------------
    void setup()
      size(1170, 890);
      float cdiam=39; // diameter
      color ccolor=color(255, 255, 255); // White 
      // screen coordinates 
      float xcoord=0;
      float ycoord=0;
      // init the grid 
      for (int j=0; j<npointsY; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<npointsX; i++)
          cpoints[i][j]=new CPoint(xcoord, ycoord, 
    } // func setup()
    void draw() {
      // display the grid 
      for (int j=0; j<npointsY; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<npointsX; i++)
      }// for 
      // show the text on the right  
      fill(255, 2, 2);
      text("grid", width-120, 40);
    } // func draw() 
    //Point Class =============================
    class CPoint
      float x, y;
      float diameter;
      color pcolor;
      String text; 
      CPoint(float CPx, float CPy, 
        float CPdiam, 
        color CPcolor, 
        String CPtext)
        diameter = CPdiam;
        pcolor   = CPcolor;
        text = CPtext;
      void display()
        translate(x, y);
        rect(0, 0, diameter, diameter);
        text(text, 4, 12);
    }// class
    // ================================================
  • that is a typical GRID example

    it has no images but just shows how to display a grid (or what it is)

    // size of the grid (x * y) 
    int npointsX=24;
    int npointsY=17;
    // the grid (2D array)
    CPoint[][] cpoints=new CPoint[npointsX+1][npointsY+1];
    // --------------------------------------------
    void setup()
      size(1170, 890);
      float cdiam=39; // diameter
      color ccolor=color(255, 255, 255); // White 
      // screen coordinates 
      float xcoord=0;
      float ycoord=0;
      // init the grid 
      for (int j=0; j<npointsY; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<npointsX; i++)
          cpoints[i][j]=new CPoint(xcoord, ycoord, 
    } // func setup()
    int i, j;
    void draw() {
      // display the grid 
      if (i>=npointsX) {
      // show the text on the right  
      fill(255, 2, 2);
      text("grid", width-120, 40);
    } // func draw() 
    //Point Class =============================
    class CPoint
      float x, y;
      float diameter;
      color pcolor;
      String text; 
      CPoint(float CPx, float CPy, 
        float CPdiam, 
        color CPcolor, 
        String CPtext)
        diameter = CPdiam;
        pcolor   = CPcolor;
        text = CPtext;
      void display()
        translate(222, 222); // x,y 
        rect(0, 0, diameter, diameter);
        text(text, 4, 12);
    }// class
    // ================================================
  • above a grid which automatically shows the 24*17 elements one after another

    // size of the grid (x * y) 
    int npointsX=2;
    // int npointsY=17;
    // the grid (2D array)
    CPoint[][] cpoints = new CPoint[npointsX][0];
    // --------------------------------------------
    void setup()
      size(1170, 890);
      cpoints[0]=new CPoint[17];
      cpoints[1]=new CPoint[24];
      float cdiam=39; // diameter
      color ccolor=color(255, 255, 255); // White 
      // screen coordinates 
      float xcoord=0;
      float ycoord=0;
      // init the grid 
      for (int j=0; j<npointsX; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<cpoints[j].length; i++)
          cpoints[j][i]=new CPoint(xcoord, ycoord, 
    } // func setup()
    void draw() {
      // display the grid 
      for (int j=0; j<npointsX; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<cpoints[j].length; i++)
      }// for 
      // show the text on the right  
      fill(255, 2, 2);
      text("2 Arrays in an array", width-120, 40);
    } // func draw() 
    //Point Class =============================
    class CPoint
      float x, y;
      float diameter;
      color pcolor;
      String text; 
      CPoint(float CPx, float CPy, 
        float CPdiam, 
        color CPcolor, 
        String CPtext)
        diameter = CPdiam;
        pcolor   = CPcolor;
        text = CPtext;
      void display()
        translate(x, y);
        rect(0, 0, diameter, diameter);
        text(text, 4, 12);
    }// class
    // ==================================================
  • this shows an array that contains 2 arrays of different length

    (it's a 2D array but not in the common sense (which would be a full grid))

  • PImage[] mEyes= new PImage[31];
    int frameNum=0;
    void setup() {
     size(620, 400); 
      for (int i=0; i< 23; i++) 
        PImage img = loadImage( i +"h.jpg");// rebecca
        mEyes[i] = img.get(130, 170, 310, 100); //Get a portion of the loaded image with displaying it
       for (int i=0; i< 8; i++) 
        PImage img = loadImage( i +"j.jpg");// johnathan
        mEyes[i+23] = img.get(120, 170, 310, 100); //Get a portion of the loaded image with displaying it
        frameNum %= mEyes.length;
    void draw() {
      frameNum %= mEyes.length; 
      System.out.printf("%d", frameNum);
      for (int i=0; i< mEyes.length; i++) {
        image(mEyes[frameNum], 0, 0, mEyes[frameNum].width, mEyes[frameNum].height -1);

    Right so I kind of solved it, so array is compiled into one and i just call it in setup. And i added frameNum, to loop it. I actually have images which are gifs and i wanted to display them one after the other. You were right, i had to remove mouse . Thank you so MUCH!

  • Not sure the for loop in draw is needed!

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