Temperature Max and Min on an Arc

edited April 2016 in Questions about Code

Hey guys,

I'm new to Processing. I was wondering if someone could teach me how to make charts like the attached image. I'm using a .csv file and tried to come up with something by watching the MeteorStrikes tutorial by Nicholas Felton but it's pretty different. Hope someone could help me out! Thank you!!!

f6aa49b238e57433aaa454701c821206 Processing



  • One way: 1. translate the coordinate origin to the centre of the dial. 2. rotate coordinate axes for the hour of the day. 3. plot the triangle (I'd do it straight up to take advantage of symmetry about the axis), scaled for magnitude using map().

    Plotting those triangles looks like it'll take many parallel lines to get the color gradient, using map to control the hue.

    Could you plot them with arcs instead? I think it'll look better and be less ambiguous. With triangles, I don't know which point on the far end represents the temperature because they're at different radii. Or is it the area that represents temperature (and rainfall)?

  • Here's a start:

        size(800, 800);
        translate(width/2, 4*height/5);
        int radiusStart = 150; // the zero distance
        int radiusScale = 10; // pixels per degree
        float arcScale = PI/215; // angle per degree
        arc(0, 0, radiusStart, radiusStart, PI, TAU); // the zero arc
        float[] temperatures = new float[12];
        rotate(PI/2+PI/24); // initial rotation for zero angle
        float noiseSeed = random(100);
        for (int i=0; i<12; i++) {
           float temperature = noise(noiseSeed, i/2)*25; // random temp
           int radiusTemp = int(temperature * radiusScale);
           int radiusArcExt = 0;
           while (radiusArcExt < radiusTemp) {
             float arcAngle = map(radiusArcExt, 0, radiusScale, 0, arcScale);
             int arcHue = int(map(radiusArcExt, 0, radiusScale, 10, 12));
             stroke(arcHue, 255, 255, 80);
             arc(0, 0, radiusStart + radiusArcExt, radiusStart+radiusArcExt, PI/2-arcAngle, PI/2+arcAngle);
             radiusArcExt += 1;
  • Thank you very much @stomachion for your time! I'll try to continue and play around with the code.

  • Post back so we can see how you got on, and what you created!

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