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Hi I've been coding on processing for a while. The size of code is growing and after about 30-40 classes it seems slightly unconfortable using processing IDE. For example, class tabs do not show the name of the file anymore and the pull down on the righthand side also doesn't show all the classes after the bottom of the screen. Although I can still toggle between tabs using shortcut keys, I am wondering if this can be a reason to move to an alternative IDE, like eclipse or Xcode? Both of them are mentioned in the forum. I've been coding Objective C on Xcode, but never used eclipse. I'm a designer, so want to keep things simple. Does anyone have any suggestions / recommendations?
I had similar issues so put multiple classes into some tabs to create 'space' Not ideal but it works
you could use sublime? https://github.com/b-g/processing-sublime
Actually, I have 40+ files (tabs), not classes. Some of the tabs contain more than 5 classes. I'm putting similar classes under one tab, but
this is not ideal.
I am doing exactly the same ... not much to be done really apart from switching IDE then. I might look at sublime again. I did a while back and it was a nice simple IDE.
I've looked at SublimeText with Processing Package Plugin (thanks to soundsound) and Eclipse with Proclipsing. (http://www.instructables.com/id/Proclipsing-Using-the-Eclipse-IDE-for-Processing-p/?ALLSTEPS) Both of them worked, but my initial assessment is that I had to tweak my code to compile on Eclipse, while Sublime worked seamlessly. Strictly speaking, Sublime might be called an 'Editor' and Eclipse an 'IDE'? I'll keep working with both of them to see which is more suitable for my purpose. I'm a bit distracted by choosing the customised colour schemes though.. Thank you for the suggestions.