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Hi, first post, very new to it all, but enjoying the learn.
Using this code (not mine, from Git Hub, user Atagen I think ( https://github.com/GlitchTools/Atagen )
mp4 is in data file, when run, the canvas appears but remains gray, however the audio plays.
quicktime tells me that it's 29.97 fps, so i've put 30 in the code, and that it's H.264...
not sure if it's a code problem (i guess likely not) or something to do with the vid...any help really appreciated!
(I wasn't sure how to best paste the code, hope it all cool)
// video 'greater than' buffer/delay // rob mac, 2015 import processing.video.*;
//options String fileName = "filename.mp4"; int fps = 30; //set your video's fps here, and width/height below int w = 320; int h = 238; float len = 0.5; //length of echo int mode = 2; //set echo style, 0, 1, or 2
Movie frames; boolean newFrame = false; int cached = 0; int count = int(fps*len)-1; PImage[] cache = new PImage[count+1]; void setup() { size(w, h); frames = new Movie(this, fileName); frameRate(fps); // noSmooth(); // strokeWeight(1.0/fps); frames.loop(); loadPixels(); cache[count] = createImage(w, h, RGB); }
void draw() { if (newFrame) {
if (cached < count) {
cache[cached] = createImage(w, h, RGB);
arrayCopy(frames.pixels, cache[cached].pixels);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
arrayCopy(cache[i+1].pixels, cache[i].pixels);
arrayCopy(frames.pixels, cache[cached].pixels);
if (cached == count) {
switch(mode) {
case 1:
for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = color(0);
for (int o = 0; o < count; o++) {
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = (brightness(cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w])*map(o, 0, count, 1.0, 0.0) > brightness(pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w])) ? cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] : pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w];
/* stroke(cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w]);
point(i%w, i/w);*/
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = color(0);
for (int o = 0; o < count; o++) {
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = (brightness(cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w]) > brightness(pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w])) ? cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] : pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w];
/* stroke(cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w]);
point(i%w, i/w);*/
for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {
color temp = pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w];
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = color(0);
for (int o = 0; o < count; o++) {
temp = lerpColor(temp, cache[o].pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w], norm(o, count, 0));
pixels[i%w+(i/w)*w] = temp;
newFrame = false;
} }
void movieEvent(Movie m) { m.read(); newFrame = true; m.loadPixels(); }
void keyPressed() {
switch(key) {
case ' ':
mode = (mode == 2) ? 0 : mode+1;
proper code paste:
Not the code, must be codec/video...prob consider this answered :)