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Hi, I've got a sketch calculates the frequency of a word in a given text. This is the visual output. I want to add a line to the code like "if the frequency is greater than 15, start drawing 40 pixels down" to show the most frequent words at the same time on lines and columns. How can I achieve this? Thanks.
//PFont font;
String[] yazi; //text'in bagli oldugu array
int kelimeno = 0; // text'in baslangic noktasi
String sonrakinegec = " ,.?!;:";
void setup() {
// fontu yukle
//font = loadFont( "CourierNewPSMT-24.vlw" );
// text'i string array'ine yukle
String[] rawtext = loadStrings("ham.txt");
// butun array'i tek bir stringe cevir
String everything = join(rawtext, "" );
yazi = splitTokens(everything,sonrakinegec);
void draw() {
// kelimeyi yaz
String theword = yazi[kelimeno];
// kelimeyi say
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yazi.length; i ++ ) {
if (theword.equals(yazi[i])) {
total ++;
// Display the text and total times the word appears
float y=0;
if (total>=15) {
print(theword+"-" +total+" ");
// Move onto the next word
kelimeno = (kelimeno + 1);
in line 43 you want 10 instead of 15 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in line 44 you want 50
why line 52?
I'm trying to do, "if the number is greater than 15, move the text and the bar 40 pixels down"
not a homework
edit: aaah, Now I get it, you're saying my first message is different right? Ignore it, I just made them up when writing. fixing now, sorry.
well you wrote
so ??????????
maybe you have to decide what you want first 10 or 15 ; 40 or 50....
but the code works for me (with my little test data on cats)
it works
Yes it does. But not in the way I want. I want to move it, but keep the stuff upside, like pressing enter and going to next line on word, notepad etc.
remove line 30 to avoid clear screen?
place line 47 (in my code) before setup
Yeah, setting the float before setup worked. But I still need to clear screen and to go to the next line. http://i.imgur.com/zZPcaD6.jpg
That's perfect! Thanks a lot
this clears the screen:
I have to leave
I made a trick to check if we have shown the word already.
there are faster ways to do it of course
bye bye
Look at hashMap to see how to store words / count them
Make a result list in setup and display it in draw
atm draw () is slow since we go over each word even when we have displayed it already...
Why did you want +50 only when it's> 15 ? You need +70 for y every time.