Translating SepBlur example so it can be applied to individual shapes at varying levels

edited April 2016 in GLSL / Shaders


I've been looking at the SepBlur example provided with Processing and I'm curious about making it so that I could, for this example, have two ellipses, with their own unique/individual blur amount. Right now I'm running into a problem in my programming where it's either an all or nothing and I'm not quite sure how to proceed with it. Any insight would be great!

`PShader blur; PShader blur2; PGraphics src; PGraphics src1; PGraphics pass1, pass2; PGraphics pass3, pass4;

void setup() { size(640, 640, P2D);

blur = loadShader("blur.glsl"); blur2 = loadShader("blur.glsl"); blur.set("blurSize", 9); blur.set("sigma", 5.0f);
blur2.set("blurSize", 9); blur2.set("sigma", 5.0f);

src = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); src1 = createGraphics(width, height, P2D);

pass1 = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); pass1.noSmooth();
pass2 = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); pass2.noSmooth();

pass3 = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); pass3.noSmooth();
pass4 = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); pass4.noSmooth(); }

void draw() {{ src.beginDraw(); src.background(0); src.fill(255); src.ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 100); src.endDraw();

// Applying the blur shader along the vertical direction
blur.set("horizontalPass", 0); blur.set("blurSize", 9); blur.set("sigma", 5.0); pass1.beginDraw();
pass1.image(src, 0, 0); pass1.endDraw();

// Applying the blur shader along the horizontal direction
blur.set("horizontalPass", 1); blur.set("blurSize", 9); blur.set("sigma", 5.0); pass2.beginDraw();
pass2.image(pass1, 0, 0); pass2.endDraw();

image(pass2, 0, 0);

{ src1.beginDraw(); src1.ellipse(width/3, height/3, 100, 100); src1.endDraw();

// Applying the blur shader along the vertical direction
blur2.set("horizontalPass", 0); blur2.set("blurSize", 4); blur2.set("sigma", 5.0); pass3.beginDraw();
pass3.image(src1, 0, 0); pass3.endDraw();

// Applying the blur shader along the horizontal direction
blur2.set("horizontalPass", 1); blur2.set("blurSize", 4); blur2.set("sigma", 5.0); pass4.beginDraw();
pass4.image(pass3, 0, 0); pass4.endDraw();

image(pass4, 0, 0);
} }`

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