Animation not rendering in second controlframe -- no errors

I’ve used this same structure to successfully render a 3d sketch in a second control frame before. Here though, the first window renders fine, but the second just shows the background color. The same animation code I've placed in the second control frame runs fine on it's own as a separate sketch. I'm new at Java and don't know where to start if I don't get an error message. I'm using Processing 2.2.1.

import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import controlP5.*;//P5
import java.util.Date;
private ControlP5 cp5;//P5
String textValue = "";
String timestamp;
ControlFrame cf;
int def;
PImage img_1; //P5
PImage img_2; //P5
PImage img_3;//P5

void setup() {
  size(1500, 800);
  img_1 = loadImage("roar2.png");
  img_2 = loadImage("theQuestion.png");
  img_3 = loadImage("instructions.png");

  cf = addControlFrame("ZooCloud", 1024,768);
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  PFont font = createFont("arial",20);//P5
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);//P5
  Date d = new Date();

  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

  // add Controllers to the 'extra' Frame inside 
  // the ControlFrame class setup() method below.


void draw() {
  image(img_1, 5, 0);
  image(img_2, 650,215);
  image(img_3, 850,645);
  text(textValue, 360,180);
public void clear() {

void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
  if(theEvent.isAssignableFrom(Textfield.class)) {
    println("controlEvent: accessing a string from controller '"
            +theEvent.getName()+"': "
public void input(String theText) {
  //public void enteryourphrase(String theText) {
  // automatically receives results from controller input
  println("a mf textfield event for controller 'input' : "+theText);//P5
   Table table = loadTable("zooMockUpCSV.csv","header");//P5
  //String s = table.getString(1, 1);   // s now has the value//P5
  timestamp =  nf(month(),2) + "-" + nf(day(),2)  + "-" + year()+ "-"  
  + nf(hour(),2) + nf(minute(),2); 
  ///+ nf(second(),2);
  println(timestamp); //P5
  TableRow newRow = table.addRow(); //P5
// Set the values of that row
//newRow.setInt("Year", 2013);
//newRow.setFloat("PercentCurrentSmokers", 25.6);
newRow.setString("PHRASE", theText);//P5
newRow.setString("TIMESTAMP", timestamp);//P5
saveTable(table, "data/zooMockUpCSV.csv");//P5


ControlFrame addControlFrame(String theName, int theWidth, int theHeight) {
  Frame f = new Frame(theName);
  ControlFrame p = new ControlFrame(this, theWidth, theHeight);
  f.setSize(p.w, p.h);
  f.setLocation(100, 100);
  return p;

// the ControlFrame class extends PApplet, so we 
// are creating a new processing applet inside a
// new frame with a controlP5 object loaded
public class ControlFrame extends PApplet {
int cell = 10; // diameter of particles

float radius = 140; // radius of large sphere
int num = 300; // number of spheres

//color bg = color(212, 237, 244); // default background color
color bg = color(0, 0, 0); // default background color
PImage[] backdrop = new PImage[2]; // array of background images
int backdropIndex = 0; // start with the first backdrop in the array

Sphere mySphere; // the main actor, container for all the little particles
float xPos, yPos, zPos; // coordinates of centre of large sphere
ControlPoint cp; // its position at any point determines position of the sphere
int LOOPING = 0;

int movCounter = 1501;
  int w, h;

  int abc = 100;

  public void setup() {
    size(w, h,P3D);
    //backdrop[0] = loadImage("201011-tagline-00-1024x768.png");
    //backdrop[1] = loadImage("20100920-1024x768.png");

    xPos = 550;
    yPos = 330;
    zPos = 370;
    mySphere = new Sphere(xPos, yPos, zPos, radius);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
     mySphere.addSphereItem( cell );

  cp = new ControlPoint();

  public void draw() {

  void mouseMoved() {
  cp.setTarget( (float) mouseX, (float) mouseY );
  void keyPressed() {
  if (key == 'c' || key == 'C') {
    // toggles the control point between looping and mouse-controlled
class ControlPoint {
  PVector loc, vel, target;
  float easing = 0.05;
  final int LOOPING = 0;
  final int CONTROLLING = 1;
  int mode;

  // three variables used when looping
  float angle = -PI; // start angle to loop
  float dA = TWO_PI / 1500; // step for each cycle of the loop
  float radius = width / 4; // radius of looping circle

  ControlPoint() {
    loc = new PVector( (float) width/2, (float) height/2 );
    vel = new PVector( 0.3, 0.4 );
    target = new PVector( -1, -1);
    mode = CONTROLLING;
    //    vel = new PVector( random(0.5, 1.5),   random(0.5, 1.5) );

  void update() {
    switch(mode) {
    case LOOPING: 
    case CONTROLLING: 

  void updateLooper() {
    angle += dA;
    loc.x = width/2 + radius * cos(angle);
    loc.y = height/2 + radius * sin(angle);

  void updateController() {
    // if the control point is tracking the mouse, then ease it towards the target
    // if not tracking, then just keep going until mouse moves
    if (target.x == -1) {
      // do some boundary checks 
      // if the control point is going to cross its limits, then reflect it
      if (loc.x + vel.x < 0) { 
        vel.x = -vel.x;
      if (loc.x + vel.x > width) { 
        vel.x = -vel.x;
      if (loc.y + vel.y < 0) { 
        vel.y = -vel.y;
      if (loc.y + vel.y > height) { 
        vel.y = -vel.y;
    else {
      float dx = (target.x - loc.x) * easing;
      loc.x += dx;
      float dy = (target.y - loc.y) * easing;
      loc.y += dy;
      // if the control point gets within 20 pixels of the mouse, 
      // stop tracking the mouse till it moves again.
      // Note: the 20 pixels is arbitrary, determined by trial 
      // and error to reduce sudden changes in velocity when contro point reaches mouse
      if (loc.x - target.x < 20 && loc.y - target.y < 20) {
        target = new PVector( -1, -1);

  void toggleMode() {
    switch(mode) {
    case LOOPING: 
      mode = CONTROLLING; 
    case CONTROLLING: 
      mode = LOOPING; 

  float getX() {
    return loc.x;

  float getY() {
    return loc.y;

  void setLoc(float x, float y) {
    loc = new PVector(x, y);

  void setTarget(float x, float y) {
    target = new PVector(x, y);
    float dx = x - loc.x;
    float dy = y - loc.y;
    float denom = max(dx, dy);
    float vx = dx / abs( denom );
    float vy = dy / abs( denom );
    while ( max(abs(vx), abs(vy)) > 0.8 ) {
      vx *= 0.9;
      vy *= 0.9;
    vel = new PVector( vx, vy );

  void render() {
    // used for visualisation of the control point during debugging
    translate( loc.x, loc.y );
    ellipse(0,0, 5, 5);
class Sphere {
  float xPos; //X Position of the Sphere
  float yPos; //Y Position of the Sphere
  float zPos; //Z Position of the Sphere
  float radius; //Radius of the Sphere
  ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); //List of all of the items contained in the Sphere
  PImage icon; // holds the icon of the action plan logo

  int CIRCLE = 0;
  int ICON = 1;
  int mode = CIRCLE;

  Sphere(float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float radius) { 
    this.xPos = xPos; //X Position of the Sphere
    this.yPos = yPos; //Y Position of the Sphere
    this.zPos = zPos; //Z Position of the Sphere
    this.radius = radius; //Radius of the Sphere
    //icon = loadImage("icon.png");

  public void toggleMode() {
    mode = (mode == CIRCLE) ? ICON : CIRCLE;

  public void addSphereItem(int diam) {
    //Make a new SphereItem
  SphereItem si = new SphereItem();
    //Set the parent sphere
    si.parentSphere = this;
    //Set random values for the spherical coordinates
    // using the method on
    float u = random(0,1);
    float v = random(0,1);
    si.theta = TWO_PI * u;
    si.phi = acos(2 * v - 1);
    // set size
    si.itemSize = random(1, diam);
    //Add the new sphere item to the end of our ArrayList
    items.add(items.size(), si);

  public void render(float x, float y) {
    //Mark our position in 3d space
    //Move to the center point of the sphere
    translate(xPos, yPos, zPos);
    float phi = map(x, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI);
    float theta = map(y, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI);
    // render the inner mesh as a symbol of the globe
    //Render each SphereItem
    for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i ++) {
      SphereItem si = (SphereItem) items.get(i);
    //Go back to our original position in 3d space

  public void renderMesh() {
    // Draw the inner circles of longitude
    int steps = 10;
    float angle = PI/steps;
    for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
      rotateY( angle );
      ellipse(0, 0, radius*2-20, radius*2-20);
class SphereItem {
  Sphere parentSphere; //Sphere object that holds this item

  int CIRCLE = 0;
  int ICON = 1;
  int mode = CIRCLE;

  //Spherical Coordinates
  float radius;
  float theta;
  float phi;
  //Speed properties
  float thetaSpeed = 0;
  float phiSpeed = 0;
  //Size and color
  float itemSize;
  // List of possible colours
  ArrayList colors = new ArrayList();
  color clr;

  public void SphereItem() {

  public void init() {  
    color[] colors = {
      color(129,195,65,175), // XL
      color(245,130,32,175), // XL,
      //color(27, 86, 162), // dark blue circle 1
      //color(235, 0, 139), // purple circle 2
      //color(79, 116, 186) // medium blue circle 3
    //Set the fill colour
    clr = colors [ (int) random(0, colors.length) ];
    //clr1 = color(129,195,65);
    //clr2 = color(245,130,32);

  public void render(int m) {
    //Get the radius from the parent Sphere
    float r = parentSphere.radius;
    //Convert spherical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates
    float x = cos(theta) * sin(phi) * r;//r/3;
    float y = sin(theta) * sin(phi) * r;//r/2;
    float z = cos(phi) * r;//r/3;

    //Mark our 3d space
    //Move to the position of this item
    rotateY(-phi); // these two rotate functions might be changed to find tangent plane
    if (m == CIRCLE) {
      fill( clr ); 
      //Draw a circle
      //float sphereSize = random(5,20);
      //Draw a sphere
      //float dsize = random(5,20);
      //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     // }

    else {
      // Put up a bitmap representation of the logo
      image(parentSphere.icon, 0, 0, itemSize, itemSize);
    //Go back to our position in 3d space

  private ControlFrame() {

  public ControlFrame(Object theParent, int theWidth, int theHeight) {
    parent = theParent;
    w = theWidth;
    h = theHeight;

  public ControlP5 control() {
    return cp5;
  ControlP5 cp5;
  Object parent;


  • Answer ✓

    My bad. I left two essential lines out of the draw method for the second window cp.update(); mySphere.render( cp.getX(), cp.getY() ); All good now.

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