Low-level OpenGL and Framebuffer object

Hi all, first post. I think I need to do some low-level OpenGL programming (which means learning OpenGL too), but I've been trying to avoid ditching Processing and moving to another IDE with JOGL/LWJGL because I believe that I can work around the problems I'm facing (not problems with Processing, but problems with my understanding/knowledge level). Also, Processing provides a lot of helper code that saves me time (not having to write OBJ importing classes for example). Although I'm sure I can achieve what I want in Processing, I have this massive uphill learning curve trying to figure out how to work with the OpenGL interface underneath. I'm not a super Java coder, but I understand core OO principles like inheritance/polymorphism etc. I've seen the basic OpenGL demo sketches, So I now understand basic use.

More specifically - I'm doing a project which will be marked by unknown examiners (CS academics) running on any platform in [linux|mac|win]. Because of having some experience with Processing the past few years, and that the people who will run my code are Processing users/teachers themselves it was an obvious choice for me to have some guarantee of cross-platform compatibility. Part of my project will rely on rendering depth information (to a texture or the framebuffer depth buffer) so I can access this info in the frag shader. You're probably now thinking "that's Shadow mapping", yes, like that, but it isn't my goal. So I guess the question is "Is trying to use a PGraphics object (instanced with createGraphics) not the way forward, should I just get a GL instance and do OpenGL manually?"

(I also have an issue with OBJ importing (each face being a child object), but I might open a separate thread about that).

Sorry for the long-winded post, and thanks for any advice.



  • So did I ask a bad question, or is it that nobody wants to tackle it? :-<

  • Answer ✓

    Never mind. I've ditched Processing and started re-writing everything in Java.

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