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Hi all, I'm trying to clear or remove methods after draw when I press button. Help me please.
Could you show your code please?
In general, stuff is drawn in draw()
draw() Starts with background(0); e.g.
Thus everything is drawn again and again 60 times per second
So once your button is pressed set a var drawItem to false
The stuff you want to dissapear have in a if clause
if(drawItem) { // call function/ method here
Please show your code
We're not sure what you're trying to do. Could you post some simple code that demonstrates your problem?
hey, guys. This's my code.
import vialab.SMT.*; void setup() { size(1300, 700, SMT.RENDERER); SMT.init(this, TouchSource.AUTOMATIC); SMT.setWarnUnimplemented(false); SMT.add(new ButtonZone("Button1", 10, 70, 180, 45, "Selected 1")); SMT.add(new ButtonZone("Button2", 10, 130, 180, 45, "Selected 2")); SMT.add(new ButtonZone("ButtonReset", 10, 310, 180, 45, "Reset")); } void draw() { background(255); } void drawCartoCy1(Zone CartoCy1) { fill(255, 0, 0); rect(100, 100, 200, 200); } void drawCartoCy2(Zone CartoCy2) { fill(0, 255, 0); rect(100, 100, 200, 200); } void drawCartoSph1() { fill(255,255,0); rect(0, 0, 500, 400); } void drawCartoSph2() { fill(255, 0, 255); rect(0, 0, 500, 300); } void pressButton1() { Zone Car1 = new Zone("CartoCy1", 250, 80, 500, 500); SMT.add(Car1); Zone Cy1 = new Zone("CartoCy2", 780, 80, 500, 500); SMT.add(Cy1); } void pressButton2() { Zone Car2 = new Zone("CartoSph1", 250, 80, 500, 500); SMT.add(Car2); Zone Sph1 = new Zone("CartoSph2", 780, 80, 500, 500); SMT.add(Sph1); } void pressButtonReset() { // ************* How to reset as begin ?? ************* } void touchCartoCy1() {} void touchCartoCy2() {} void touchCartoSph1() {} void touchCartoSph2() {} void touchButton1() {} void touchButton2() {} void touchButtonReset() {}
@Chrisir @TfGuy44
Ah, it's concerning the library...
Did you look into the documentation?
SMT. remove or disable or hide....
Thanks you. @Chrisir I will try it.
Could you show your code please?
In general, stuff is drawn in draw()
draw() Starts with background(0); e.g.
Thus everything is drawn again and again 60 times per second
So once your button is pressed set a var drawItem to false
The stuff you want to dissapear have in a if clause
if(drawItem) { // call function/ method here
Please show your code
We're not sure what you're trying to do. Could you post some simple code that demonstrates your problem?
hey, guys. This's my code.
@Chrisir @TfGuy44
Ah, it's concerning the library...
Did you look into the documentation?
SMT. remove or disable or hide....
Thanks you. @Chrisir I will try it.