CSV file - how to control length of keypress?

edited March 2016 in Questions about Code

i have a csv file with 72 records in it. i want to display just 8 at a time, and when the arrow keys are pressed, RIGHT and LEFT, i want it to show the next 8. The following code works to a degree, but the results seem a bit random, it doesn't show the same result set every time. I should have 8 panes of 9 records. It shows 8 at a time okay, but depending on the LENGTH of the keypress, it skips ahead at different rates. I want it to show 8 different records on right arrow keypress, but it comes up with half the old screen and half new records mostly. How can I control this? Anyone shed some light? (resources down the bottom)

import processing.video.*;
//import ddf.minim.*;
//import ddf.minim.effects.*;

Movie mymovie;
Table myresource;
String Message;
PFont myfont;
int j;
int lines=0;
int count = 9; 
int max=0;

void setup() {
  size(660, 600);
  background(0, 0, 102);
  myfont = loadFont("DejaVu.vlw");

  myresource = loadTable("neilyoung.csv", "header");  //load csv file
  //println(myresource.getRowCount() + " total rows in table"); 
  max= myresource.getRowCount();
  fillshape();  // draw and colour the rectangle

  loadMovie();    //load vid

void draw() {
  if (mymovie.available() == true) {

  image(mymovie, 200, 20, width/3, height/4);  //display video

  fill(102, 0, 51);

  showRows(lines);  //get records


void KeyPressed(){
   float current = mymovie.time();
   float entire = mymovie.duration();
   if (keyPressed) {
      if (key == 'f' || key == 'F') {
         mymovie.jump(current + 12); //skip forward 12 seconds
       else if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
         mymovie.jump(current - 12);  //skip back 12 seconds
       else if (key == 'e' || key == 'E') {
         mymovie.jump(entire);  //jump to the end of the video
       else if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
         mymovie.jump(0);  //jump to the start of the video
       else if (keyCode == RIGHT){ 
         if (lines < (max-count)){
       else if (keyCode == LEFT){
         if (lines !=0){


void showRows(int lines){
  textFont(myfont, 22); 
  text("Neil Young Albums", 30, 220); //heading

  int space = 27;
  int countline = 0;
    for (j = lines; j<max; j++){
      TableRow row = myresource.getRow(j);
      int yr= row.getInt("year");
      String art = row.getString("artist");
      String tit = row.getString("title");      
      textFont(myfont, 16);

      Message = str(yr) + "  " + art + "  " + tit + "  ";  
      text(Message, 30, 250 + countline*space);

        //println( j);

void loadMovie(){
  // Load and play the video 
  mymovie = new Movie(this, "harvestmoon.mp4");

void fillshape(){
  //refill the orange rectangle where the albums go  
    fill(204, 102, 0);
    rect(20, 180, 620, 400); 

https://dropbox.com/s/q5shte9jxjtzaq4/DejaVu.vlw?dl=0 https://dropbox.com/s/vahfd41188mpanc/harvestmoon.mp4?dl=0


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