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I am trying to introduce Processing to my Visual Programming class in a public high school.....however, all vimeo videos, which include the instructional tutorials on the Processing site, are blocked by our IT department because of security and vimeo content inappropriate to HS students....Is there any other way to introduce the Processing Basics without the Vimeo tutorials? ( BTW I am bummed, because the videos are just right for my students!!!!) Thanks! CB
Why don't you just download them all? Most of them got a download button. *-:)
Shiffman's videos for example I'm sure they're downloadable: https://Vimeo.com/shiffman :ar!
Do the IT folks allow YouTube? There's https://www.youtube.com/user/shiffman/playlists
If they consider Vimeo, which is more selective btW, inappropriate, everything goes like YouTube is a crime for them! >:)
That helps....THANKS!