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I'm new with processing and getting into the Java worlds. I have created a sketch in processing (To create a pdf report loading result from a txt file). Now I'm planing to do the same but with a UI in Eclipse. I managed to create the two classes in eclipse and I can se the final result in the screen. The problem is when I want to create the PDF file.
I have checked the link: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/10272/using-creategraphics-in-eclipse
Made some changes to my code but still getting an error. I'm getting familiar with Java and Processing :) .
This is the code that works
package lab1.reports;
import processing.core.*;
public class ReportResult {
PApplet p;
PGraphics pdf;
float xInicial;
float xPos;
float yPos;
float result;
float scale;
float margin = 32;
float limit;
float scaleResult;
String textTest;
String textUnit;
String textResult;
String name;
String rid;
String birthDay;
String dateTaking;
String date;
String fileName ="Treningsstatus.pdf";
//Creating constructor
public ReportResult(PApplet _p, float _xtemp, float _ytemp){
p = _p;
xInicial = _xtemp;
yPos = _ytemp;
// pdf = p.createGraphics(595, 841, PConstants.PDF, fileName);
//Calculate Simple
public void calculateSingle(float resultTemp, float scaleTemp, float limiTemp){
result = resultTemp;
scaleResult = scaleTemp;
limit = limiTemp;
xPos = (margin + xInicial) +(result * scaleResult);
if(result > limit){
xPos = margin + xInicial + 260;
//Calculate Complex
public void calculateComplex(float resultTemp, float inicialScale, float scaleTemp, float limitTemp ){
result = resultTemp;
scaleResult = result - inicialScale;
scale = scaleTemp;
limit = limitTemp;
xPos = (margin + xInicial) + (scaleResult * scale);
if (result > limit){
xPos = margin + xInicial + 260;
//Display result point
public void displayResultText(String textTestTemp, String textUnitTemp){
textTest = textTestTemp;
textUnit = textUnitTemp;
//Ellipse result
p.fill(56, 72, 96);
p.ellipse(xPos, yPos, 5, 5);
//Test Text
textResult = textTest + ": " + result + " " + textUnit;
p.text(textResult, margin+ xInicial, yPos - 8);
//Display result number
public void displayResultNumber(float resultTemp, float xP, float yP){
xPos = xP;
yPos = yP;
result = resultTemp;
//Test Text
p.textAlign(3, 3);
p.text(result, xPos, yPos);
//Patient Information
public void patientInfo(String nameTemp, String ridTemp, String birthDayTemp, String dateTemp, String todayTemp){
name = nameTemp;
rid = ridTemp;
dateTaking = dateTemp;
birthDay = birthDayTemp;
date = todayTemp;
//Text cofiguration
//Patient Name
p.text(name, 95, 90);
//Patient Birthday
p.text(birthDay, 223, 90);
//Patient RID
p.text(rid, 343, 90);
//Patient sample taking and report
p.text(dateTaking, 485, 79);
p.text(date, 485, 92,5);
// public void getSvgFile(PShape svgFile, int x, int y, int width, int height){
// pdf.shape(svgFile, 0, 0, width, height);
// }
// public void startDraw(){
// pdf.beginDraw();
// }
// public void finishDraw(){
// pdf.endDraw();
// }
// public void savePDF(){
// pdf.save("report.jpg");
// }
package lab1.reports;
//Import processing Libraries
import processing.core.*;
//Extend class to PApplet to use processing Libraries
public class TreningsStatus extends PApplet{
PShape ernBars1, ernBars2, ernBars3, ernBars4;
PGraphics pdf;
ReportResult patient;
ReportResult kalsium;
ReportResult magnesiumSerum;
ReportResult magnesiumFullblood;
ReportResult vitaminD;
ReportResult ferretin;
ReportResult hemoglobin;
ReportResult asat;
ReportResult kreatinin;
ReportResult urinstoff;
ReportResult testosteron;
ReportResult estrogen;
ReportResult kolesterol;
ReportResult crp;
ReportResult kreatininKinase;
ReportResult hba1c;
ReportResult svgFile;
//Create the main class
public static void main(String[] args) {
//PApplet.main(new String[] {report.FirstSketch.sketch.class.getName()});
PApplet.main(new String[] {lab1.reports.TreningsStatus.class.getName()});
//Override class settings
public void settings(){
//Document size
size(595, 841);
//Override class setup
public void setup(){
//f = createFont("Myriad", 50);
//g = createFont("Myriad", 18);
//Base vectors
ernBars1 = loadShape("Treningsstatus-01.svg");
ernBars2 = loadShape("Treningsstatus-02.svg");
ernBars3 = loadShape("Treningsstatus-03.svg");
ernBars4 = loadShape("Treningsstatus-04.svg");
//pdf = createGraphics(595, 841, PDF, "TreningsStatus.pdf");
svgFile = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
//Patient information
patient = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
//Page No1
kalsium = new ReportResult(this, 0,181.5f);
magnesiumSerum = new ReportResult(this, 270, 181.5f);
magnesiumFullblood = new ReportResult(this, 270, 222);
vitaminD = new ReportResult(this, 0, 222);
ferretin = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
hemoglobin = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
asat = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
kreatinin = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
urinstoff = new ReportResult(this, 0, 480);
testosteron = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
estrogen = new ReportResult(this, 0, 0);
//Override class draw
public void draw(){
shape(ernBars1, 0, 0, width , height);
//svgFile.getSvgFile(ernBars1, 0, Y, width, height);
patient.patientInfo("Jaime Castrillo", "39094698", "26.09.85", "02.02.16", "01.02.15");
kalsium.calculateSingle(1.5f, 65, 4);
kalsium.displayResultText("Kalsium", "mmol/L");
//Magnesium i serum
magnesiumSerum.calculateSingle(1.11f, 117.11711f, 2.22f);
magnesiumSerum.displayResultText("Magnesium i serum", "mmol/L");
//Magnesium i fullblod
magnesiumFullblood.calculateComplex(36, 28, 16.25f, 44);
magnesiumFullblood.displayResultText("Magnesium i fullblod", "mg/L");
vitaminD.calculateSingle(58, 0.7428f, 450);
vitaminD.displayResultText("Vitamin D", "nmol/L");
ferretin.displayResultNumber(25, 336, 261);
hemoglobin.displayResultNumber(150, 65, 263);
asat.displayResultNumber(30, 65, 435);
kreatinin.displayResultNumber(56, 336, 436);
urinstoff.calculateSingle(4.1f, 15.8536f, 16.4f);
urinstoff.displayResultText("Urinstoff", "mmol/L");
testosteron.displayResultNumber(1.3f, 65, 652);
estrogen.displayResultNumber(613, 336, 651);
It was an easy fix. I found it on https://processing.org/reference/libraries/pdf/