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He wants us to organize it using drawFace(); checkNose(); checkMouth(); checkEyes(); Could someone lease integrate this into my code? For now, please comment out the audio (minim)
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
AudioPlayer song2;
AudioPlayer song3;
float open = 10;
float diameter;
color c = 255;
color eyecolour = 255;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
diameter = width/4;
minim = new Minim(this);
song = minim.loadFile("Boing.mp3");//click on nose, boing sound effect
song2 = minim.loadFile("Slurp.mp3");//open & then close mouth, slurping sound effect
song3 = minim.loadFile("Ouch.mp3");//hover over eyes, ouch sound effect
void draw() {
background(255);//white background
// void drawFace();
fill(237, 255, 3);//yellow colour
ellipse(400, 400, 600, 600);//draws the yellow circle of the face
fill(0);//colour of hair
line(283, 156, 369, 208);//draws left eyebrow
line(507, 156, 417, 209);//draw right eyebrow
line(147, 239, 93, 74);
line(93, 74, 199, 178);
line(199, 178, 220, 29);
line(220, 29, 301, 117);
line(301, 117, 330, 25);
line(330, 25, 371, 102);
line(371, 102, 424, 28);
line(424, 28, 455, 105);
line(455, 105, 531, 39);
line(531, 39, 549, 140);
line(549, 140, 641, 51);
line(641, 51, 623, 199);//draws hair, left to right
//println(mouseX, mouseY);
float d = pythagorean(mouseX, mouseY, width/3, height/3);
float e = pythagorean(mouseX, mouseY, width/1.5, height/3);
float g = pythagorean(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2);
// click
if (g<0.5*diameter/2 && mousePressed) {
c=color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
song.play(); //boing sound when you click on the nose
} else if (g<0.5*diameter/2) {
c=color(0, 255, 0);//hover over nse, chnage colour to green
} else {
c=color(0, 0, 255);//otherwise, if there is no mouse inside the nose, keep it blue
}// All of this coding is to change the colour of the nose when you hover over/press it
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 0.5*diameter, 0.5*diameter);//location/size of nose
ellipse(width/3, height/3, diameter, diameter);//draws left eye
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));//colour of pupils
ellipse((width/2-180)+mouseX/9, (height/2-160)+mouseY/8, 20, 20);
fill(eyecolour);//colour of eyes
ellipse(width/1.5, height/3, diameter, diameter);//draws right eye
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));//colour of pupil
ellipse((width/2+80)+mouseX/9, (height/2-149)+mouseY/8, 20, 20);//pupil inside right eye
if (d<diameter/2 || e<diameter/2) {
eyecolour=color(237, 255, 3);//closes eyes if mouse is inside eyes
ellipse(width/3, height/3, diameter, diameter);
ellipse(width/1.5, height/3, diameter, diameter);
line(168, 280, 365, 280);//line inside left eye when mouse hovers over
line(435, 280, 630, 280);//line inside right eye when mouse hovers over
} else {
eyecolour=color(255);//keep colour as white
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(400, 600, 300, open);//draws mouth
//opening mouth
if ((mouseX > 370) && (mouseX < 430) && (mouseY > 570) && (mouseY < 630) && (open == 10) && (mousePressed == true)) {
mousePressed = false;
open = 200;//mouth open and close
if ((mouseX > 370) && (mouseX < 430) && (mouseY > 570) && (mouseY < 630) && (open == 200) && (mousePressed == true)) {
mousePressed = false;//mouth open and close
open = 10;
song2.play();//slurping sound when you click on the mouth
float pythagorean (float mx, float my, float cx, float cy) {
float dx = (mx-cx);
float dy = (my-cy);
float d = sqrt( pow(dx, 2)+pow(dy, 2) );
return d;
Please comment out music statements as those already work
Edit your post. Select your code. Press Ctrl + o.
No one is going to help you until you post properly formatted code. We aren't even going to look at it.
Thanks TfGuy44. tbh i actually had no idea about that but it seems a lot neater. Thank you!
I made a function
and showed you how to use it.I am sure, you can now make the other functions yourself
Look at dist() in the reference
Thank you so much! But for some reason, when I did checkNose(); , it doesn't work. I did it the exact same when you had done "drawFace();".
No no....
Function checkNose must be outside(!!!) draw()
After the }
kk, so i put it outside of the draw but now it's saying that "The operator < is undefined for the argument type(s) PGraphics, float."
Not sure what's going on (not on my Computer)
Hit ctrl-t to see the indents....
also when you set g you must do so in checkNose and not in draw()
When you say "set g", do you mean i should move the float g = pythagorean(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2); down to the checkNose section?
and also, should i add
at the end of my code as well or is it not necessary?
2nd question: try
kk, and so when i did that, I'm getting a "NullPointerException" on line 115; fill(c) of my code.
Are we sure that 115 is inside checkNose
The {} look wrong
which bracket would i remove then?
113 and 114?
hit ctrl-t to auto indent
then you see if there's stuff outside functions
tried that. Nothing's working now, and none of the interaction is occurring :(
you'll be able to fix it.
idea: post the entire code.
ore are you just whinning?
Im not whining. But its not working at all.
you had this line outside a function...
wow okay thank you so much Chris. I finally got everything to work. I really appreciate you helping me out and the rest of the community on Processing. Means a lot.