Compare video frames with a (control) image to detect if the scene has changed.

edited February 2016 in Library Questions

Hi all,

Working on a little project. I could really use some help. New to processing. Even if someone could send me in the right direction it would be great.

Scenario: I have a camera pointing at a desk. I want to know if theres someone sitting at it. So I want to compare frames from the live video feed (webcam) with a control image of the empty desk. Need the results to be printed: ‘1’ if someone is at the desk ‘0’ if no one is at the desk or something along those lines.



  • edited February 2016

    You can use the openCV library to do the vision. There's an ImageDiff example on the library's page at You'll need to integrate that with the LiveCam example on the same page.

  • Hi bilmor, Thanks for your reply.

    This is perfect.

    I have spent a lot of time setting up OpenCV and (trying to) using python bindings. I gave up because I’m only familiar with processing.

    This is music to my ear that there is a binding for processing. I’ll look into your suggestions and see if I can make some progress.

    Thanks again

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