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Hi. I'm new with Arduino / Processing, so i'm making a basic workshop that is a blink led with an Arduino Uno board and Processing 3.0.1.
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
int ledPin = 13;
void setup(){
// println(Arduino.list().length);
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[Arduino.list().length - 1], 57600);
arduino.pinMode(ledPin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
void draw(){
println("Turn on led Pin "+ledPin);
arduino.digitalWrite(ledPin, Arduino.HIGH);
println("Turn off led Pin "+ledPin);
arduino.digitalWrite(ledPin, Arduino.LOW);
Arduino.list()[Arduino.list().length - 1] is my the usb port that connects with my arduino
I have the led in pin 13 to possitive and pin ground with negative.
The problem here is that the led doesn't change, just stay turned on without changes.
Hi, you uploaded "standard Firmata" on Arduino and added a resistor 1k in series with the LED ? Most Arduino boards already have an LED attached to pin 13 on the board itself
Oh, i follow the instructions in this link i didn't follow the FirmData section because i didn't find the StandardFirmata.
Looking in library i see theres a file called 'Firmata.java', i don't know what to do with that file.
Thanks Camperos
Firmata is a little bit hidden in the Arduino IDE software. follow the menus from File>Examples>Firmata>StandardFirmata and then compile and upload it to your Arduino.
Oh, that did the trick, i didn't tried in Arduino IDE, thanks for clearing me.