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Hello, My name is Rosa and I am quite new to processing. I also don't have any experience using Processingjs or exporting on web. For my school personal project, I am developing very simple game and I want to try posting on web. However, my programming has some plugins, such as minim, processing.video and gifAnimation, involved. So I was wondering, is there any other way to post the sketch online?
Given those libraries are written in Java, we can't export them as JS to the web. :o3
We'd have to find corresponding 1s written in JS instead.
I believe you'd get more luck by re-writing your whole sketch as p5.js: http://p5js.org/reference/
Then take a look at available libraries for it: http://p5js.org/libraries/
Some instructions to port Processing's Java/JS Modes to p5.js: :ar! https://GitHub.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Processing-transition