Code looks fine, no error shown, but video not playing !!


I am trying to run simple processing program in eclipse to play video. this is the code:

import processing.core.*; import*;

public class BackgroundSubtraction extends PApplet {

Movie video;

public void setup(){
      video = new Movie(this, "/home/gurinderbeer/Desktop/new/Gurbinder/data/mv2_002.avi");

public void draw() {
    image(video, 0, 0); 

    public void movieEvent(Movie m) {;


when I run the program, it gives no error. Applet pops-up but video is not playing in applet. I can hear the audio when i run the program, but no visuals on applet. Can anyone please help...! Thanks



  • Maybe you could try putting video.loop() and in public void draw(){, and if that doesn't work, try moving only to public void draw(){ , if STILL no, then try putting before video.loop() in each, what you have and the changes.

  • code looks fine, i would try another video.

    if you're getting sound but not picture then maybe the avi is using a video codec that the library doesn't like.

  • I have never worked with video or eclipse before, so this might be a stupid question, but don't you have to run public void movieEvent(movieM){ in draw?

  • edited February 2016

    i believe not. the 'this' as first argument in the Movie constructor is the class containing a callback method movieEvent(). the Movie will call this method when it's ready.

    that code is straight out of the reference:

  • edited February 2016

    The 'this' as first argument in the Movie's constructor is the class containing a callback method movieEvent().

    It's not any class. Gotta be some PApplet instance! :-B

    public Movie(PApplet parent, String filename) {
      super(0, 0, RGB);
      initGStreamer(parent, filename);
    // ...
    protected void initGStreamer(PApplet parent, String filename) {
      // ...
  • Thanks everyone for your help. code works fine now. the ffmpeg plugin for gstreamer was required...

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