Arrays and Rows/Colums

edited January 2016 in Programming Questions


For my project ( I have 4 x 4 objects. I use an array to define the 16 objects, but somehow it seems easier if I could use indexes that refer to the row and colum each object is in.

Someting like this: object11, object12, object13, object14 object21, object22, object23, ...

Is this easy doable? If yes, how?

Thank you ;-)



  • edited January 2016 Answer ✓

    Either go w/ a 2D array or apply some formula which translates flat index to a row x column pair and vice-versa. You can find those 2 conversion functions in this other recent forum thread: :-bd

    P.S.: Treat (x, y) parameter pair there as (column, row) pair. :ar!
    And (w) as the number of columns. ~O)

  • I think I'll go with the 2D array :-) I've read about that, but forgot. And in the reference, it's not mentioned...

    Thanks a lot!

  • Answer ✓

    there is a tutorial on 2D arrays

  • Yes, I found that. I already reworked my sketch that way. Now I think I 'm going to use arrays for each property as well, but I' m going to sleep a night about that...

    Thanks for your advice anyway.

  • edited January 2016

    for properties you can use a class - see tutorial on objects

    ah, you have this, ok....


    you now have a 2d array representing your grid - good.

    this is a layer near to the hardware

    now think of a 2nd layer above this which is doing the actual work.

    it could be a class Sequence or Event or configuration

    then make a ArrayList of that class.

    loop (or go) through the ArrayList and do each step

    class Sequence holds :

    • millis we start at

    • millis we stop it at (or duration in millis)

    • then... eg. an grid of your globes that holds the color for each globe.

  • @Chrisir, the second class I should make, the one "doing the actual work", that would be a class which receives or calculates all the parameters, right? Why an Arraylist in stead of an array? And why the loop? When I call that class from within a "draw", isn't it looped already? And why the millis? You think I need a timeline? (Sorry, I guess I'm asking to much questions, that's because I'm quite new to Processing and programming in general. I"ll start with making that second class, with all the features of the lineglobes, then I get back, if I still don't get it).

    @GoToLoop I guess your remark is attended if I use Chrisir's method? In stead of a lot of Arrays, I'll put those parameters in one class and then make an array or array list of those class.

    Is each element in that second array, a different line-globe? I would think so, but maybe it's a time-sequence, what Chrisir means?

  • Maybe I can post the code I have until now:

    Lineglobe [][] lineGlobe = new Lineglobe[4][4];
    void setup() {
      size(640, 480);
      int xSpace = width/5;                  // xSpace is the distance between each lineGlobe, for 4 lineGlobes
      int ySpace = height/5;
      int xPos = xSpace;
      int yPos = ySpace;
        for(int row=0; row<4; row+=1){
          for(int column=0; column<4; column+=1){
          // colour (red - green - blue), transparancy, x-position, y-position, diameter globe, line thickness, line length, line degree
          lineGlobe[row][column] = new Lineglobe((int)random(0,255), (int)random(0,255), (int)random(0,255), (int)random(120,255), xPos, yPos, (int)random(30,130), (int)random(20,40), (int)random(20,180), (int)random(0,359));
      xPos = xSpace;
      yPos+= ySpace;
    void draw() {
      for(int row=0; row<4; row+=1){
        for(int column=0; column<4; column+=1){
    class Lineglobe {                  // a Lineglobe is a globe with an arm
      float red, green, blue, transparancy;
      float xcorglobe, ycorglobe;      // center-coördinates of the lineglobe
      float diam;                      // diameter of the globe
      float xcorline, ycorline;
      float linelength, linethickness, lineturningdegree, lineturning; // properties of the line
     Lineglobe (float tempred, float tempgreen, float tempblue, float temptransparancy, float tempxcorglobe, float tempycorglobe, float tempdiam, float templinethickness, float templinelength, float templineturningdegree) {
      red = tempred;
      green = tempgreen;
      blue = tempblue;
      transparancy = temptransparancy;
      xcorglobe = tempxcorglobe; 
      ycorglobe = tempycorglobe;
      diam = tempdiam;
      linelength = templinelength;
      linethickness = templinethickness;
      lineturningdegree = templineturningdegree;
      // calculate additional variables (turning degree of the line, begin-coördinates of the line)
      lineturning = radians(lineturningdegree);
      xcorline = linelength * cos(lineturning) + xcorglobe;
      ycorline = linelength * sin(lineturning) + ycorglobe;
     void display() {
      // draw the circle
      fill(red, green, blue, transparancy);
      ellipse(xcorglobe, ycorglobe, diam, diam);
      // draw the line
      stroke(red, green, blue, transparancy);
      line(xcorglobe, ycorglobe, xcorline, ycorline);
  • edited January 2016 Answer ✓

    I guess your remark is attended if I use Chrisir's method?

    Not necessarily! It's just a very important general OOP programming concept! >-)
    If we got a set of properties which describe some entity, the OOP way is to put them inside a class.
    Rather than having 1 container for each property of an object, instead we have 1 class w/ those properties inside and 1 container outside to hold each instance of that class.

  • the second class I should make, the one "doing the actual work", that would be a class which receives or calculates all the parameters, right?


    Why an Arraylist instead of an array?

    in my experience it's better to use Arraylist since you can expand them more easily

    And why the loop? When I call that class from within a "draw", isn't it looped already?

    true... I mean at the end you could start all over again... then it's loop...

    And why the millis? You think I need a timeline?

    yes, it's a time line.


    this :

    float red, green, blue, transparancy;


    color colGlobe;
    int transparency


    class Timeline {
        int startsAt;  // millis 
        int stopsAt; 
        color [][] grid = new color[4][4];


    ArrayList<Timeline> steps = new ArrayList(); 
    if (millis()>=steps.get(indexSteps).stopsAt) {

    concepts and architecture

    there are probably different ways to do this.

    • I mean above I have the colors for the entire grid

    • you could also only hold a list inside class Timeline with the indices (!) for only the lineGlobes that are ON at that time period (and their colors)

    • OR you just store a list with the indices for lineGlobe for those globes that change in that step (then you could use commands like fadeIn fadeOut Blink colorTransition... which would be methods in class Lineglobe that could be triggered by class Timeline)

  • the second class I should make, the one "doing the actual work", that would be a class which receives or calculates all the parameters, right?

    You delete the receive option, but the aim is that later I can control the parameters with MIDI or at least my keyboard, so somehow that class with parameters should "receive" that input.

    float red, green, blue, transparancy;


    color colGlobe; int transparency

    at first, I did use the "color" way, but because you should be able to control red, green and blue by MIDI or keyboard (or whatever input, I hope it can react to sound as well, in the end), I changed it to separate RGB-variables. If know it's doable with color as well, but it seemed more complicated that way...

        class Timeline {
            int startsAt;  // millis 
            int stopsAt; 
            color [][] grid = new color[4][4];
    ArrayList<Timeline> steps = new ArrayList(); 
    if (millis()>=steps.get(indexSteps).stopsAt) {

    I'll work further on that!

  • edited January 2016

    ... be able to control red, green and blue by MIDI or keyboard...
    ... I changed it to separate RGB-variables.

    I've implemented a Colour class about 1 year ago here:

    It's a class w/ 3 fields: r, g, b. We just need to call its method toColour() in order to get the corresponding color. :D

    Use its method set() in order to modify the 3 field properties at the same time.
    Or read or modify them individually. Just be careful not to store a value > 255 there. :-S

  • And using that class, is better why? Is it a better way of coding? Faster? Better to manipulate later in the sketch?

    (By the way, I didn't have time to REALLY work on my sketch, or study the links you gave, but I plan to do that. For now, I feel a little awkward getting all this advice and not being able to use it. So, I want to assure you: I WILL get back on this ;-) )

  • edited January 2016 Answer ✓

    And using that class, is better why?

    It's a matter of encapsulation: Rather than having 3 variables on the loose, they stay in 1 place.
    That is, inside an instance of the Colour class, 1 object.
    It's like having 1 variable which in turn accesses 3 other variables: :-bd

    final Colour myColor = new Colour().randomRGB();
    println(myColor, ENTER);
    println("Blue:\t",, ENTER);

    As you can see above, variable myColor has access to fields r, g & b.
    Or use the latest "getter" methods: red(), green() & blue(). Much easier and tidy! :D

  • Ok, thanks!

    I'm still reading, but I made a flowchart. I had it in my head, but not on paper. I already made this tool with Quartz Composer, but that began to run too slow. And for the finalisation, I didn't feel like Quartz was good, or not good for me.

    Schermafbeelding 2016-01-29 om 00.26.37

  • This has been done

    Just google it in the Forum

  • Great! Then I can learn from that. I guess it's not COMPLETELY the same (I hope my circle-line object is original :-) ). I didn't find it yet though, I tried looking for VJ, for Pattern, for Matrix. I keep looking. If you remember under what name it was mentioned in the forum... would be great :-)

  • actually not the same but it should be similar

    it's a gui for creating laser show files.

    colouredmirrorball gives the download of his sketch

    It's for creating laser show files. They can be imported into a program that sends them to a laser over a controller, or put on an SD card and inserted into some compatible projectors.


    I gave more explanation here:, I feel like the core of what's going on is explained pretty well there.

    Here's the program itself for the brave:

    (compiled for Windows 64 bit, only works with Processing 2.2.1 or similar, needs ControlP5, Peasycam and SDrop)

  • I think I do what someone advices in the first example: practice first with some simpler sketches. I just discovered open, I'm going to post my own creations there and learn form the others!

    And I will study the examples above. And come back with a lot of questions, probably :-)

    Thank you Chrisir

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