display multiple images on mobile device caused performance problems

edited January 2016 in p5.js

I was trying to display only 5 moving images(translate and rotate are applied) on mobile devices, it worked fine on iphone, however the performance on androids were terrible. The sizes of images are both 115 by 115 pixels. All there images are on one sprite sheet. Can anyone help me with it?屏幕快照 2016-01-24 下午4.11.44



  • Was just reminding myself why this hasn't received any answers...

    @faytom said:

    Can anyone help me with it?

    Yes; but only if you let us: you've given us nothing to go one - i.e. no code or link to the page to test.

    it worked fine on iphone, however the performance on androids were terrible

    Android has a much less standard hardware base than Apple's iPhone. Did you test on an Android device with equivalent specs? What browser did you use?

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