Fisica Library error using FPoly

edited January 2016 in Library Questions

I'm trying to use the FPoly with Vertex-data from Blob Detection OpenCV. The sketch works fine until there are more than one blob at the boundaries of the frame. Then crash :( and give this error:

**_AssertionError: Too many pairs (16384 shape AABB overlaps) - this usually means you have too many bodies, or you need to increase Settings.maxPairs.

Found invalid polygon, sides are too close to parallel.

Didn't add unusable polygon. Dumping vertices:

float xv[] = {2,800000f,2,200000f,2,200000f,3,600000f,2,200000f,2,800000f,3,600000f,4,600000f,}; float yv[] = {19,600000f,17,000000f,15,000000f,15,600000f,15,000000f,14,200000f,15,600000f,17,600000f,}; Found invalid polygon, sides are too close to parallel.

when it's running it is so: Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-19 um 22.26.25_ ** and when it crashes it is so:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-19 um 22.25.59

knows somebody how to solve this?


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