Processing 3 Won't run twice.

edited January 2016 in Using Processing

Processing 3 will not start after the first time on a Windows 10 machine.

It will start once and never start again on that user profile. If I create another user profile, it will run once. I've tried deleting the software and re-extracting from the .zip, also to no avail.

I have another Windows 10 machine that has no problems running the software.

The same machine with Windows 7 has no issues.

I have a third Windows 10 machine that will only run the software once.

I've tried scanning the registry for changes before and after the first run, deleting the changes obviously associated with Processing, with no luck.

All machines are 64 bit.

Any ideas?


  • edited January 2016

    AFaIK, Processing doesn't touch Windows' registry.
    Everything goes into folder: "%AppData%\Processing". Especially file "preferences.txt".

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