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So, I've been using processing for a while, and recently stareted using p5.js, but since this lenguage accepts both processing and js commands,I've been using regardlessly processing and javascript commands; I've never used javascript before, so I was wondering, what does pt.js have more than js? Is it like whit java and processing where P by itself takes care of some of the deep parts of the project?
As of now I've found that most of the commands of p5 are a block of commands in js made to look like processing, like println for console.log(BTW, it has a glitch I belive, as printing a json object whit println gives sometimes a different result than console.log).
Does p5.js lay the fundation of the script, leaving a "programmer" free to take care of high level problems, or does it add completly new functions?
Just yesterday, another forum user asked similar questions about JavaScript & p5.js: :>
p5.js belongs to a big family of library implementations which more or less follows Processing's API.
That includes the main Java Mode, JavaScript Mode, CoffeeScript Mode, Jython Mode, Android Mode.
There are also 2 Processing implementations for JRuby:
Clojure language as Quill: https://GitHub.com/quil/quil
C++ language as openFrameworks: http://www.OpenFrameworks.cc/
And we can even consider Arduino IDE as somewhat Processing for C/C++: O:-)
Continuing, p5.js doesn't add any sugar syntax to JS as Java Mode does for Java syntax.
And print() & println() is the same thing in p5.js.
In the beginning, they were mere alias to console.log().
But then they've decided to do their crazy thing and changed the implementation. 8-}
In short, we can use the whole JS language when using p5.js library.
There's also a web IDE for it too: http://p5ide.HerokuApp.com/editor
And we can host p5.js sketches here as well: http://p5js.SketchPad.cc/
GoToLoop As far as I know JRubyArt is the only is the only ruby implementation that supports processing-3.0, for processing-2.0 ruby-processing is the probably only really serious implementation, there have been several others.
Oh, I didn't know there were more Ruby implementations. ~:>