boundaries and particules

Hi, i'm trying to do a data visualization about immigration. I have the countries represented as ellipses and i'm trying to put small ellipses inside the "country" ones to represent citizens. My first question is: how do I set the boundaries and make them (the citizens ellipse) not overlap each other.

Second question is (i've imported my data in the format ("year","origin","destination","gender","","value") "how do I 'connect' it to the citizens ellipses and make them move from country to country?

Thank you for you time and forgive my lack of knowledge!


  • show your entire code please

  • edited January 2016

    do you know objects / classes / oop?

    1. draw the countries at ellipses (circle)

    set the position of the people via random inside the circle

    like this

    void setup() {
      size(768, 576);
    void draw() {
      background (0);
      ellipse(250, 220, 111*2, 111*2); 
      stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255));
      for (int i=0; i<60; i++) {
        float angle = random(360); 
        float x = 250 + random(111) *sin(radians(angle));
        float y = 220 + random(111) *cos(radians(angle));
        point (x, y);
      } // for
    } // func



    Let's make a class Citizen as blue print for all citizens.

    Make an ArrayList to hold all citizens. Call it citizens.

    ArrayList<Citizen> citizens = new ArrayList(); 

    now read your list and fill in all citizens with


    (in setup())


    also have a class Country and an ArrayList countries that you fill during a)

    each country has a name and a screen pos

    ArrayList<Country> countries = new ArrayList(); 

    from the countries screen pos give all citizen a screen pos around there origin country and around the destination country (see 1. )

    (in setup())


    display all countries and all citizens

    draw lines from origin country to the destination country pos for all citizens

    (in draw())


    now we want to animate the travel of citizens in draw().

    have a single var year and let's say a var day

    you increase day (day++;) until 365 and then set day to 0 and year++;

    during that check the year of each citizen

    when the year match, set a marker in the class Citizen for this person, use lerp() with day to travel from origin to destiny pos while days increase


    come back when you have questions.

    Best, Chrisir ;-)

  • edited January 2016

    my code so far:

     Table table; 
     void setup() { 
      size(700, 679 );   
      PImage b; 
      b = loadImage("europe4c.jpg"); 
      table = loadTable("total.csv", "header");
      for (TableRow row : table.rows())
        int time = row.getInt("TIME");
        int value = row.getInt("Value");
        String geo = row.getString("GEO");
        String citizen = row.getString("CITIZEN");
        if (value > 0) { 
          println( value  + " citizens emigrated in " + time + " from " + citizen + " to " + geo);
    void draw() {
      ellipse( 276, 383, 30510/5500, 30510/5500  ); //belgium
      ellipse( 536, 531, 110910/5500, 110910/5500 ); //bulgaria
      ellipse( 398, 410, 78866/5500, 78866/5500  ); //czech
      ellipse( 336, 289, 43094/5500, 43094/5500  ); //denmark
      ellipse( 502, 234, 45339/5500, 45339/5500  ); //estonia
      ellipse( 143, 302, 70273/5500, 70273/5500  ); //ireland
      ellipse( 501, 597, 131940/5500, 131940/5500 ); //greece
      ellipse( 141, 555, 505992/5500, 505992/5500 ); //spain
      ellipse( 238, 450, 551695/5500, 551695/5500 ); //france
      ellipse( 391, 516, 56594/5500, 56594/5500  ); //croatia
      ellipse( 360, 541, 301318/5500, 301318/5500 ); //italy
      ellipse( 360, 550, 9251/5500, 9251/5500   ); //cyprus
      ellipse( 507, 273, 64589/5500, 64589/5500  ); //latvia
      ellipse( 494, 305, 65300/5500, 65300/5500  ); //lithuania
      ellipse( 394, 300, 2586/5500, 2586/5500   ); //luxemburg
      ellipse( 448, 460, 93030/5500, 93030/5500  ); //hungary
      ellipse( 448, 250, 316/5500, 316/5500    ); //malta
      ellipse( 289, 359, 41526/5500, 41526/5500  ); //netherlands
      ellipse( 392, 450, 83858/5500, 83858/5500  ); //austria
      ellipse( 445, 323, 312685/5500, 312685/5500 ); //poland
      ellipse(  61, 548, 91568/5500, 91568/5500  ); //portugal
      ellipse( 525, 476, 238392/5500, 238392/5500 ); //romania
      ellipse( 384, 479, 20273/5500, 20273/5500  ); //slovenia
      ellipse( 454, 424, 49036/5500, 49036/5500  ); //slovakia
      ellipse( 492, 161, 338145/5500, 338145/5500 ); //finland
      ellipse( 407, 155, 449964/5500, 449964/5500 ); //sweden
      ellipse( 209, 333, 244820/5500, 244820/5500 ); //uk
      ellipse( 649, 581, 23507/5500, 23507/5500  ); //turkey
      ellipse( 338, 368, 357158/5500, 357158/5500 ); //germany
      int ellipseCount = 10;
      for (int i = 0; i < ellipseCount; i++) {
        ellipse(random(224, 350), random(368, 380), 10, 10);
        fill(208, 55, 185);
  • go hback, edit your post please

    empty line before and after the code

    highlight entire Code

    hit ctrl-o

  • thanks

    I just wait until you followed my steps.


  • edited January 2016

    b = loadImage("europe4c.jpg");

    table = loadTable("total.csv", "header");

    we have no idea what is in these files

  • the image is just a reference of the european map to place the 'countries'. the csv is a spreadsheet that contains ("year","origin","destination","gender","","value") and its values

  • I think it's no use to draw the values for the countries in this way... better store them to a csv and use them in a ArrayLIst / class as described above

    It's fairly complex, so I recommend to read the tutorial about objects first and use this concept as described above

  • I had time to work a little on it.

    it's a mock-up since it uses no csv and no real countries

    but here you go

    // make an empty ArrayList
    ArrayList<Citizen> citizens = new ArrayList();  
    // the global year
    int yearMy=1949;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    void setup()
      size( 1200, 800);
      // make the citizens 
      for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
        // his / her origin
        PVector origin = positionOfCitizen();
        // make new ciztizen
        Citizen newCitizen = new Citizen (origin.x, origin.y, 
          color (random(255), random(255), random(255)));
        // add him / her to the list 
      } //for
    } // setup
    void draw()
      // countries
      // loop the entire list
      for (int i = 0; i < citizens.size(); i++) {
        // grab the citizen from the list
        Citizen currentCitizen = citizens.get(i);
        // when the year is the year of the flight we start the citizen
        // move and display him or her 
      // output year (the global year)
      text ("Year: "+yearMy, 19, 19);
      // increase year every 20 frames 
      if (frameCount>44 && frameCount%20==0 && yearMy<=year()) { 
    } // draw
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    PVector positionOfCitizen() { 
      // determine the start pos of the citizen based on the country
      // this should really be replaced by the class Country data!!!! 
      // which country; chose by random   
      int countryIndex = int(random(3));
      float centerX=255; 
      float centerY=255;
      switch (countryIndex) {
      case 0: 
      case 1:
      case 2:
        println("unknown country : error number 648");
      // determine the start pos of the citizen based on the country 
      float angle = random(360);
      // all countries same size 
      float pX = centerX + random(111) * sin(radians(angle));
      float pY = centerY + random(111) * cos(radians(angle));
      return new PVector (pX, pY);
    void countries() {
      // should also be part of class Country!!!!!!
      // which country
      // i is countryIndex
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        // default 
        float centerX=255; 
        float centerY=255;
        switch (i) {
        case 0: 
        case 1:
        case 2:
          println("unknown country : error number 722");
        stroke(0, 0, 255); // blue 
        ellipse(centerX, centerY, 112*2, 112*2);
    } // func  
    // =========================================
    class Country {
      // to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    // ==================================
    class Citizen {
      // Origin 
      float xOrigin, yOrigin;
      // Destiny is random - it must come from the csv / country !!!!!!!!!!
      float xDestiny=random(0, width), yDestiny = random(0, height);
      float xCurrent, yCurrent; 
      color col=color(random(255), random(255), random(255)); 
      boolean isMoving=false; 
      boolean hasReachedDestiny = false;
      // year is random - it must come from the csv !!!!!!!!!!
      int year = int(random(1950, 2016));
      // for the animation 
      float myFrame=0.0;
      float speed = 0.02;
      // constr
      Citizen(float xOrigin_, float yOrigin_, 
        color col_) {
        xCurrent= xOrigin;
        yCurrent= yOrigin;
      }// constr
      void display() {
        // move and display 
        // move
        if (isMoving) {
          xCurrent = lerp(xOrigin, xDestiny, myFrame); 
          yCurrent = lerp(yOrigin, yDestiny, myFrame);
          myFrame += speed; 
          // journey / flight over?
          if (myFrame>=1.0) {
            hasReachedDestiny = true; 
        }// if 
        // display 
        // stroke(0);
        ellipse(xCurrent, yCurrent, 7, 7);
      void startWhenYearIsReached() {
        // when the year is the year of the flight we start the citizen
        if (frameCount>44 && 
          yearMy>=year &&    
          !hasReachedDestiny) {
          isMoving = true; // start
        }// if
      }// method 
  • edited January 2016


    boundaries and particles

    boundary and particle

    Country countries


    Refugees refugee

    Citizens Citizen

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