We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I am a moderator and administrator of this forum, and I was very present in the community for years.
I tried to read as much posts as possible, to answer a good number of them, and to triage misplaced messages (many in this category, devoted to the forum itself, are off-topic, for example; they should be in General Discussion; I will resist to move them...). It was very time consuming... :-) I taught a bit, I learned a lot, I enjoyed the trip in the Processing land.
But I found myself lacking time even more crucially than before, my interests shift a bit, and I found that moderators and regulars for the forum are doing a great job of maintaining this forum in a good state, overall. So I will try and not see myself as essential to the forum, and I step back. I might come back someday, but until then, I wish you a very good new year 2016, and lot of good Processing experience!
You have helped make this forum a success. Your support and input will be missed. =D>
Best wishes for the future.
Indeed I was missing your posts here for months.
And found you in some other places some times.
So I already knew you had shifted your interests by now.
If I recall, you've got yourself in functional programming right now? ;;)
Good stuff! A pity you don't have much time to stay here as well. :-<
I've somehow taken the task of relocating posts to their right category for mostly the whole year.
Plus cleaning and filling up some tags too! :bz
So be cool and good luck in your endeavors. And please do come back whenever you can! B-)
yes, I was missing you too the last couple of months.
You had a great impact on this forum and did fantastic work here.
You've been a teacher and a friend.
Thank you!
Now you travel to new shores!
Good luck and a great new year 2016!
Chrisir ;-)
@PhiLho I was also missing you. You have been an amazing admin. We will sure miss you. Thanks for all the teaching and patience. I've learned a lot from you. Good luck. And stop by once once in awhile. Happy new year.
@PhiLo === i dont know you but i know that if i have somewhat chosen p5 (i teach java in university) for my students, a lot of years ago, it was because you answered and answered in a perfect way!!!! - See you later, i hope, && don't leave (completely...) this forum. People who give are a little "tribe", but it is the most important. Best wishes && happy new year. Thanks*1000
PhiLho Sir, you have taught me so many things from right to wrong on this website. I will miss you very much. Though I am not a moderator I will do the best I can to step up my answering and assisting here on this forum, so that more people will be able to make processing a bigger and better language. Happy New Year Sir, and thanks to you I've made it my priority to get processing on all the computers in my school's computer labs (yes both of them) and the students are having a great time learning Processing.
boolean willPhiLhobeMissed = true; void draw(){ println("Thank you Very Much"); }
Thanks for all your helps.
Best wishes.
Thanks for all the kind words. Currently, as I did at work, I do much less Java and much more JavaScript (AngularJS at work). But I also play with Ceylon and Rust... I still like to write about techniques, so I made a blog from my GitHub account: http://philhosoft.github.io/ Indeed, there is stuff about functional programming... Well, perhaps I will come back to Processing via JS? Who know?
Happy new year, and happy processing!