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For my upcoming project I created a class for “plug & play” serial communication between Processing and Arduino or other serial devices. The device is instantly recognised when plugged into the computer and the communication is established on the detected address. This way the application can be used universally on different computers and platforms, eliminating the need to manually type out the serial port addresses.
That is a VERY helpful thing! There were already questions on how to achieve that on a forum.
Glad you like it.
I am planning to add functionality to auto terminate the connection when unplugged, for now you can quit by pressing ALT+Q (œ).
how to instal the serial ibraries?
@jakskal, Serial is a core library and does not require installation. You just need to import it in your sketch:
import processing.serial.*;
Hello! I can not connect to your library "autoserialp5-master". How to connect your library to the "processing 3.0.1"?
"Place the SerialConnection.pde file to the root of your sketch's folder or add it using the "New Tab" option of the Processing IDE." as mentioned.
I'm beginning to learn, have the opportunity to instructions with pictures?
@monitorrr, what you had pasted there is an example about how to use his library.
You need the SerialConnection instead: :-\"
GoToLoop, Thank you, will study!