Refresh Problem

edited December 2015 in Questions about Code

Hi. I have to make a project to school in processing. It's ok but I have a problem. I have a menu so if I press '1' draw figure1 and if I press '2' draw figure 2. So I create a function mousePressed so if I press I = zoom in and O = zoom out. The figur zooming in or out but I don't rotate and translate it until I press 1,or 2 for refresh it.![1]

void figure() { if(key=='1') {
background(103,105,111); PFont font=loadFont("AnonymousPro-30.vlw"); fill(255); text("H20",100,80); drawSphere1(); var="one"; } if(key=='2') { background(103,105,111); PFont font=loadFont("AnonymousPro-30.vlw"); fill(255); text("H2SO4",100,80); drawSphere2(); var="two"; } }

void drawSphere1() { transforms(); fill(255,0,0); sphere(60); fill(255); translate(40,40,30); sphere(60); translate(-80,0,-30); sphere(60); }

void transforms() { translate(tx,ty,tz); noStroke(); rotateX(radians(rotationX)); rotateY(radians(rotationY)); rotateZ(radians(rotationZ)); scale(zoom); rotationX=rotationX+velocityX; rotationY=rotationX+velocityY; rotationZ=rotationX+velocityZ; velocityX =0.9; velocityY *=0.9; velocityZ *=0.9;
if(mousePressed) { if(mouseButton==LEFT) { velocityX=velocityX+(mouseY-pmouseY)
0.05; velocityY=velocityY-(mouseX-pmouseX)0.05; velocityZ=velocityZ-(mouseX-pmouseX)0.05; } if(mouseButton==RIGHT) { tx=tx+(mouseX-pmouseX); ty=ty+(mouseY-pmouseY); tz=tz+(mouseY-pmouseY); } } }

void keyPressed() { background(103,105,111); if(key=='i') { if(var=="one") drawSphere1(); else if(var=="two") drawSphere2(); zoom=zoom+0.2;
} if(key=='o') { if(var=="one") drawSphere1(); else if(var=="two") drawSphere2(); zoom=zoom-0.2; } }



  • Answer ✓

    Please format the code.

    Runnable examples are better.

    Load fonts in setup ().

  • Do you have a skype account,because I want to sent this project and I can explain

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