Drawing Voldemort

edited December 2015 in Events & Opportunities

hey guys Im new to processing and I want to learn to use it. I find that I learn best from seeing an example of work and adding my own variations to it to get my own idea. I was wondering if any of you guys could create a rudimentary sketch of say Voldemort for me? If you guys cant then its cool but providing the code for it would be really helpful for me in the future as im just an individual trying to gain knowledge. Thanks!



  • On a funnier note, we can say for sure that we all hope for the noNose() function. Ha, ha, ha. Well right now I can give you some ideas on how to start. First you will want to know how detailed you want his face to be. If just a big oval, that's more simple, then what you showed us here, which will require curves and beziers. A quick look at the processing website should give you insight on that, especially when it comes to his lips and ears. For the wrinkles, you can use lines. The eyes are just a couple of ellipses, with different fill(), or color. If you need any more information, I will be quite busy soon, but I wanted to give you some primary looks at your task.

  • String http = "http://";
    PImage v = loadImage(http + "www.wikihow.com/images/6/6b/Draw-Voldemort-Step-5.jpg");
  • You know, processing is not for drawing pictures like this one, you can load jpg image into sketch, like TfGuy44 shows above. Then, you can edit each pixel on that image if you want to have any kind of effect. But it is worthless to program image like that, as it would be hardcoded and thus, no interaction or generative art.

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