OpenWeatherMap syntax error

I'm using the OpenWeatherMap API and I'm trying to get the rain value. According to the documentation I can get there by data.list[0].rain.3h. But the .3h is giving me a syntax error. I'm new to this so my question is how can I get the value without the error.



  • Property identifiers must adhere to proper naming conventions - this includes not starting with a number. Property names however can be pretty much any string. It's a perhaps confusing distinction; but all you need to know is that if a property name doesn't conform to the accepted identifier syntax you must access it via bracket notation:


    The same applies to properties with spaces in the name: foo["My property Name"];

  • Thanks, just what I needed

  • hmm, no more error but I get a undefined message now. The path doesn't seem right now.

  • Use the console to check the structure of your data using: console.log(data);

    Chrome will output the structure in a navigable format...

    From this documentation I'd expect the rain property to be a direct child of data; but I guess it might be accessible via other API calls...

  • I found the problem. When there's no rain in the forecast it's not in the JSON and thus the path is wrong. Thanks for the help.

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