is there a reason why no one knows about missing libraries ?

in processing i have come across many sketches that contain the hypermedia file and yet i have not found any links to download the file what ever happen to this hypermedia file???



  • Answer ✓

    I believe it's for P1.5.1. Not sure though:

  • thanks Loop, now are you saying i would have to use the old Processing ? also that link i see some highlights on the right but i dont see the hypermedia file on that list ? is this the right folder?

  • There's a download link at the top left side of the page.
    I dunno which which Processing version that library is for. That was just a guess...

  • ic but the file i need is in that library ?

  • reason i ask is cuz i downloaded this folder and i see nothing inside no type of header files no type of cpp files Screenshot (82)

  • edited December 2015
    • Go to your Sketchbook path and take a look at its subfolder "libraries/".
    • You're gonna find every library you had installed there.
    • Take a look inside to some of them. See how their structure matches of that of Hypermedia too?
  • i dont think you understand, there is no headers and no cpp files in either src or library, if i was to go in any other folder in my processing library i would see theres a file type in each folder but in this udp there none only thing isee is java files and only one in each of those folders

    in src theres a udp.jar and in library there a thats it including 2 examples in there folders

  • edited December 2015

    ... there is no headers and no cpp files in either src or library, ...

    Have you found out any ".cpp" laying around to your other installed libraries???
    And have you forgotten Processing's default "Java Mode" is Java-based not C++?

  • @GoToLoop

    Have you found out any ".cpp" laying around to your other installed libraries??? And have you forgotten Processing's default "Java Mode" is Java-based not C++?

    i dont get how am i supposed to see this library named hypermedia? if i dont see a file that says just that!? when your sending me to this link "udp" was i supposed to know or see that hypermedia is there? how do you know is there if i cant even see a direct names that tells me this is the file that processing keeps asking me for ?

  • edited December 2015

    When your sending me to this link "udp" was i supposed to know or see that hypermedia is there?

    If you had seen the "examples/" subfolder and opened the ".pde" files there, you'd soon find out that class UDP belongs to a package called "hypermedia". [-(

  • i actually did Loop, which is why i asked, what i see is this .net does not tells me that its a library cuz the name of the library is UDP am i lost at something here? processing is asking for a LIBRARY so im looking for a library named hypermedia not a package called that dont even sound right, and when you say > "If you had seen the "examples/" subfolder and opened the ".pde" files there" im simply doing just that Loop MORE specifically what im looking for in hypermedia is for Video input which i dont see anything in example and another thing to point out is that when i open ANY pde file in my example folder in processing i do see what ever library being used being brought in by a import that says that library name and i dont see any of this examples talking about hypermedia being import so this is why i came back and said what i said

  • @GoToLoop see what i mean i dont see this*; in that UDP

    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import processing.serial.*;  
    OpenCV opencv;
    void setup() {
        size( 320, 240 );
        opencv = new OpenCV(this);
        opencv.capture( width, height );
        opencv.cascade( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenCV\\data\\haarcascades\\haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" ); 
    void draw()
        image( opencv.image(), 0, 0 );
        Rectangle[] faces = opencv.detect();
       line(0, 180, 320, 180);  //top boundary
       line(0, 60, 320, 60);  //bottom boundary
       line(80, 0, 80, 240);  //left boundary
       line(240, 0, 240, 240);  //right boundary
  • My 1st replay was just to pass to you the link I thought was that "HyperMedia" library.
    I dunno nothing about what is that about! It's all speculation on my part.

  • i see well thanks for trying, should i repost this question again since im still in need of help ?

  • edited December 2015

    Every time some 1 replies to a forum thread, it goes back to the top of forum.
    I much doubt some1 else's gonna reply just b/c it's a new thread.

    Nevertheless, "hypermedia" tagged threads below:

    Not much hope though... :(

  • thanks for your looking out Loop!

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