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in processing i have come across many sketches that contain the hypermedia file and yet i have not found any links to download the file what ever happen to this hypermedia file???
I believe it's for P1.5.1. Not sure though: http://ubaa.net/shared/processing/udp/
thanks Loop, now are you saying i would have to use the old Processing ? also that link i see some highlights on the right but i dont see the hypermedia file on that list ? is this the right folder?
There's a download link at the top left side of the page.
I dunno which which Processing version that library is for. That was just a guess...
ic but the file i need is in that library ?
reason i ask is cuz i downloaded this folder and i see nothing inside no type of header files no type of cpp files![Screenshot (82) Screenshot (82)](https://forum.processing.org/two/uploads/imageupload/176/ERBA0HLN4AYG.png)
i dont think you understand, there is no headers and no cpp files in either src or library, if i was to go in any other folder in my processing library i would see theres a file type in each folder but in this udp there none only thing isee is java files and only one in each of those folders
in src theres a udp.jar and in library there a UDP.java thats it including 2 examples in there folders
Have you found out any ".cpp" laying around to your other installed libraries???
And have you forgotten Processing's default "Java Mode" is Java-based not C++?
i dont get how am i supposed to see this library named hypermedia? if i dont see a file that says just that!? when your sending me to this link "udp" was i supposed to know or see that hypermedia is there? how do you know is there if i cant even see a direct names that tells me this is the file that processing keeps asking me for ?
If you had seen the "examples/" subfolder and opened the ".pde" files there, you'd soon find out that class UDP belongs to a
called "hypermedia". [-(i actually did Loop, which is why i asked, what i see is hypermedia.net this .net does not tells me that its a library cuz the name of the library is UDP am i lost at something here? processing is asking for a LIBRARY so im looking for a library named hypermedia not a package called hypermedia.net that dont even sound right, and when you say > "If you had seen the "examples/" subfolder and opened the ".pde" files there" im simply doing just that Loop MORE specifically what im looking for in hypermedia is for Video input which i dont see anything in example and another thing to point out is that when i open ANY pde file in my example folder in processing i do see what ever library being used being brought in by a import that says that library name and i dont see any of this examples talking about hypermedia being import so this is why i came back and said what i said
@GoToLoop see what i mean i dont see this hypermedia.video.*; in that UDP
My 1st replay was just to pass to you the link I thought was that "HyperMedia" library.
I dunno nothing about what is that about! It's all speculation on my part.
i see well thanks for trying, should i repost this question again since im still in need of help ?
Every time some 1 replies to a forum thread, it goes back to the top of forum.
I much doubt some1 else's gonna reply just b/c it's a new thread.
Nevertheless, "hypermedia" tagged threads below:
Not much hope though... :(
thanks for your looking out Loop!