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1: Create a Standard Java Project in Intellij Idea.
2: Open Settings from File -> Settings.
3: Navigate to Editor > Files and Code Template.
4: Now create a new Code Template by pressing the green '+' sign and name your template anything you want.
5: Now paste everything shown below into the text area.
import processing.core.PApplet;
public class ${NAME} extends PApplet {
public void setup(){
public void draw() {
public void settings() {
static public void main(String[] passedArgs) {
String[] appletArgs = new String[]{"--window-color=#666666", "--stop-color=#cccccc", "${NAME}"};
if (passedArgs != null) {
PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs));
} else {
6: That's about it, now you can create new Processing Sketch using this file by clicking on File -> New -> [Your Processing Template Name]
If you have any doubts please post them below
Is Intellij Idea an ide? Is it better than p3x ?
Do I have to put my own classes outside public class ${NAME} ?
@Chrisir Yes it is a Java IDE and No you don't have to put your own class, it auto populates those field with the name of your file.
Okay but my own classes Car etc.?
Update: Scratch that. Works fine.
(it was caused by other library I've included).
Hello! Using these steps, I can create PApplet extending classes and compile them, however they don't run :(The sketch path is not set. java.lang.RuntimeException: Files must be loaded inside setup() or after it has been called.What could be done?