Data Mapping Magnetic

edited December 2015 in Questions about Code


I have data mapping magnetic fields in eight-story building. My Data folder contains excel sheets of magnetic field in each floor. I need to assign particle system to each floor and connect the X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-axis from the excel sheets to the movement of the particles. Here is a link to what I have so far:



  • Help with what?

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  • I can’t figure out how to connect the data to the particles.

  • edited December 2015 Answer ✓

    well, when you want one particle for each line of the csv-files

    you need to loop over the csv (or the tables) and use the data to setup one particle

    to do

    so instead of

    for (int i = 0; i<particlesCollection.length; i++) {

    you loop over the table.

    AND to do

    instead of

    particlesCollection [i] = new particles (random(0, 200), random(0, 200), random(0, 2), random(0, 1));

    you need

        float XAxis = row.getInt("XAxis"); 
        float YAxis = row.getInt("YAxis"); 
        float ZAxis = row.getFloat("ZAxis"); 
        particlesCollection [i] = new particles (XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis , random(0, 1));

    or so....

  • I get an error telling me that it cannot find anything named "row".

  • Answer ✓

    it's pseudo code

    I was just copying stuff from your code, from another place

    of course you need to copy the context and make the adjustments

  • Answer ✓

    when you want as many particles as you have measuring data / lines

    you need an ArrayList for the particles where you don't have a fixed maximum number but can just add more and more particles (since you don't know their number)

    when you want as many particles as you have measuring data / lines : you must loop over the measuring data / lines and generate the particle here with new and put them into the ArrayList with add:

    ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList(); 
    Particle newParticle = new Particle(......................); 
  • since you have the csv for each floor separately, consider to have a separate ArrayList of particles for each floor...

    or have an array of ArrayLists of particles for each floor...

  • Ok Thank you ! I will try to do that ...

  • How do I make an array of ArrayLists ?

  • _vk_vk
    edited December 2015

    How do I make an array of ArrayLists ?

    ArrayList <ArrayList <String>> s = new ArrayList < ArrayList<String>>();
    ArrayList <String> t = new ArrayList<String>();
  • Ops sorry, I mis read that's an ArrayList of Arraylists...

  • ArrayList[] s = new ArrayList[4];
    ArrayList <String> t = new ArrayList<String>();
    s[0] = t;
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