Create Array of Images ? - Novice p5 user


So I am new to p5.js and I am creating something of a simulator. I want to make an array of images (I have the image files created and put in my libraries folder) instead of an array of words. The final example on this p5 random page is what I'm going for, just with images.

In general, my code looks like: var image1; var image2; ... var imagesarray;

function preload(){ image1=loadImage("libraries/image1.png"); .. }

function xyz(){ var imagesarray=[image1,image2...]; for (var i=0; i<10; i++){ push(); translate(random(width),random(height)); var index2=floor(random(imagesarray.length)); text(imagesarray[index2],0,0,300,300);
} }

Can you make an array of images, if so, how?



  • edited December 2015

    We can't read your code messed up like that:

    Just a sample attempt below. WARNING: Not tested!

    // create-array-of-images-novice-p5-user
    // GoToLoop (2015-Dec-01)
    const PATH = 'data/', FILE = 'image', EXT = '.png';
    const IMAGES = 4, imgs = Array(IMAGES);
    var idx = 0;
    function preload() {
      for (var i = 0; i != IMAGES; 
        imgs[i] = loadImage(PATH + FILE + ++i + EXT));
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(800, 600);
    function draw() {
    function mousePressed() {
      idx = ~~random(IMAGES);
  • @GoToLoop: using a relatively obscure bitwise operator in code intended for a 'Novice p5 user' is not especially helpful; and you've gained very little if anything in terms of performance over using Math.floor(); particularly since this isn't a processor intensive situation...

    Anyone would think you deliberately obfuscate your code for the sake of brevity :P

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