Getting a (Windows) Processing stand-alone exported Linux application to run on Ubuntu

edited November 2013 in Using Processing

I'm surprised that I can't find posts related to this. I'm developing in Windows P 1.5.1 and want to export a Linux application. Copying the resulting application.linux32 folder contents to a Ubuntu 10.04 box is apparently not sufficient to have it run on that platform. Double-clicking the application file, or bash-ing it, or sudo running it result in nothing happening and no error messages. I'm current with Java on the Ubuntu box.

Is there some prep work my end user must do prior to running my application and/or is it possible to (and how?) create a .deb installer that will automate the deployment?

The last time I had to do this I ended up building a Linux box, installing Processing and creating the exported application within Linux. I was trying to avoid that lengthy workaround and had expected that the export Linux application should work (perhaps with a little coaxing).

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • edited November 2013

    I'm on Lubuntu 13.04 (64-bit). It was enough to hit CTRL+E to get a ".jar" executable.
    I just had to set executable bit, right-click it, choose "OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime" and voilà! (*)
    Best thing Processing v1.5.1 got is the whole program is inside a ".jar" file! >:/

  • That's awesome - I'll have to try that.

    Because I'm communicating via the USB port to a processor I can't use P 1.5.1 as it's RXTX bug hoses that completely. I have had to use P 2.03 for Linux. You found the same? BTW, do you find Lubuntu better performing/faster than Ubuntu?

  • I thought you wanted to use P1.5.1? Anyways, I use both that and v2.0.2.
    Well, by definition Lubuntu gotta be faster, since it's much lighter than most desktop environments!

  • I am using 1.5.1 in Windows and want to export a running Linux application from there that I can send to an end user.

    When I did this about a year ago, reverting to building a Ubuntu box, I lost a ton of time getting to the point where I found that 1.5.1 on Linux doesn't support USB/serial comms because of the RXTX Bug. I installed an early P2 on the Ubuntu box and eventually got that application to work in Linux, but ended up with multiple versions on two OS's. It was not pretty. Hence my comment above about v2.

    I was hoping this time around that I could get from here to there without having to build another Ubuntu system just to get to a stand-alone Linux application. It would seem logical that since Windows Processing has a Linux application export that I should be able to go from there to shipping files to my end user expecting that they can run the application. Still can't seem to get that. There must be others who routinely make Linux and OSX applications from Windows Processing that work in the field, no? Or at least can then package those output files so that they can run on the other operating systems?

    What's the secret recipe?

  • Maybe that RXTX bug is related to OpenJDK. I guess Oracle's Java (32-bit) is needed for that library? :)]

  • The RXTX bug in the Linux version is documented on the Processing forum & site ( However I'm almost done converting my application from 1.5.1 to 2.1 in Windows. I have 2.1 on my new Lubuntu box (thanks for that tip). When I run my application on Windows, I get the error reporting in the console in Processing as one would expect, and I'm knocking down these issues one after the other until I have a fully-working 2.1 version. However, in Ubuntu I get no such error reporting in the Processing IDE console. The application just hangs and gives no reason why? Is there a switch that turns off console echo that I inadvertently activated on the Lubuntu box, or am I looking at a Windows/Ubuntu difference?

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