Beginner: Cant load image-out of memory

edited November 2015 in Questions about Code

Hey, I just begann using processing, and I have the following problem: I cant load anything! no font, no image, no PShape(image) :(( It would be great, if someone could help me :)

This is basically what I am doing:

First: I Write some code:

PImage mapImage;

void setup()

void draw()

Then I copy my image into the same folder as the processing file. So the image is right next to the code.

So - i save everything, and hit run. The Emulator/Window opens. The screen stays grey. no image appears. After a few seconds a loading icon appears. After a few minutes I close the "Emulator"(sorry I just cant remember the proper english word).

When I try to load a font this error appears: NullPointer exeption appears. But when I try to load the image(PShape or Pimage) another error appears: Out of memory. (Processing is allowed to use 2gb memory. )

I use processing 3.0.1 and a machine with windows 8.1.

It would be sooo sweet if someone could help me with this.

//my english is realy bad, that is why I tried to write in simple sentences.



  • edited November 2015

    I wonder whether loadShape() is more appropriate for ".svg" files?

    Also read about how to post formatted code here:

  • edited November 2015

    actually I wish to use PShape. But I tested font and PImage also, just in case. I also formatted my former post. Thank you.

    This is what I actually tried to do:


    Land land;
    PShape s;
    void setup()
    Land land=new Land();
    s = loadShape("myImage.svg");
    void draw()

    class land render:

    class Land 
      void render(PShape karte)
        shape(karte, 0, 0, 50,50);
  • edited November 2015

    AFAIK, unfortunately Processing can't deal w/ all types of ".svg" files. Dunno the details about it, sorry.

    Anyways, how about your Land class to keep its own PShape; plus coordinates & dimensions?
    You only have to pass the loadShape() once when instantiating it like this: *-:)
    land = new Land(loadShape("myImage.svg"), 0, 0, 50, 50);

    class Land {
      PShape karte;
      int x, y, w, h;
      Land(PShape k, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh) {
        karte = k;
        x = xx;
        y = yy;
        w = ww;
        h = hh;
      void render() {
        shape(karte, x, y, w, h);
  • Thank you. An out of memory Error wont appear. But the svg File wont show. Maybe I can find out now what the problem is.

  • @Beya said:

    Then I copy my image into the same folder as the processing file. So the image is right next to the code.

    Read the overview, specifically 'Loading and displaying data':

    To add a file to the data folder of a Processing sketch, use the Sketch → Add File menu option, or drag the file into the editor window of the PDE. The data folder will be created if it does not exist already.

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