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Hey, I've been planning a game for awhile, and I've got everything I need for a side-scrolling rpg game. I'm currently trying to find an open source IDE I can use. I love open source things, and if I could survive without an income, this game would surely be free. So...
Who do need to cite? -I assume i'll need to site Ben and Casey etc. and the creators of the libraries i use (with their permission), if I use libraries.
How do I protect my ownership of the game, and my rights to the money it makes.
How might I prevent piracy...
Apologies in advance, if there is a better category for this post.
From the Processing FAQ:
Copyright law is confusing, but at least in America, if you create something, you inherently own the copyright on it. You don't have to file any paperwork. You "own" your game without having to do anything else, and other people aren't allowed to copy it. You could also use an open-source license that defines how other people are allowed to copy your game and/or its source code.
But I really wouldn't worry very much about that, or about preventing piracy. The truth is that this is pretty much always a non-issue, and worrying about it instead of actually working on your game is just wasting time.
Thank you -KevinWorkman
I think I have what I need now to begin programming my game. >:D<