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Hi, this is the part of my code that works on java mode, but obviously it doesn't work in android mode, so my question is, can i use this kind of switch on my android project? How can i make this work? I tried to change the mouse button with mouse pressed but i understood that i cannot use a boolean in a switch. This is the error that occurs every time (5 equals errors):
This is the part of code of the first error:
void draw(){ // state if(mousePressed){ if(state == stateMenu){ if (rectOver) { switch(mouseButton) { case LEFT: state = statePlay; break; case RIGHT: state =stateLost; break; case ESC: // quit exit(); break; default: // do nothing break; } } }
I guess that
can not be used in android mode.What is this supposed to do? How do you right-click on a smartphone?
(new iPhone doesn' t count...)
Yes, mouseButton isn't available for touch devices, but you could use onLongPress() (for example) from the Ketai library as a substitute for right-click.
I know that i cannot use mouseButton, i didn't suppose to right click on a smartphone. My question was about how can i use the switch button on an android device, because i used it in a java project, and i need to convert it. like: My code
Can i use like:![Schermata 2015-11-10 alle 08.59.30 With onLongPress()](https://forum.processing.org/two/uploads/imageupload/665/1001YBBBP5UW.png)
@MarcoReverse=== what version of processing??? as for android you can use SimpleOnGestureListener, which detects a lot of motionevents (tap, doubletap, fling...)...
@akenator i've processing 3.0. but can i put the motion events in the switch?
@MarcoReverse== it worked with P2; never tried with P3. But why not??? - i ll see that ASAP.