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I can't get the Onformative Screencapturer library to work. It gives me the error "the package "com.onformative" does not exist. You might be missing a library".
But I have the library installed (see screenshot link).
What am I doing wrong?
I am running this very simple code
import com.onformative.screencapturer.*;
ScreenCapturer capturer;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
capturer = new ScreenCapturer(width, height, 30); // 30 = framerate of the capture
void draw() {
image(capturer.getImage(), 0, 0);
Those are just ".java" source code files.
They still need to be compiled as ".class" and merged as 1 ".jar".
Great, thanks :). For a person without experience in doing that, what would be the easiest way to perform such a task?
Instead of compiling a library, you can put the .java-files next to your .pde-file.
Then they will appear as seperate tabs in your sketch. But you would have to remove the first line in those tabs.
package com.onformative.screencapturer;
But the ScreenCapturer-library doesn't work with processing3, maybe it works in older processing version.
Maybe this helps:
Thanks to both of you!
I get the same errors when I use the method "benja" describes... I use processing 2.2.1...
It works with the github link solution, I do however get a lot of "windows within windows" when using the quick fix provided by "clankill3r":
Any suggestions are very welcome!
It's called feedback. You get it when the capture area and display area overlap. You should fix the problem inside your brain first :)
Haha, okay :)