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Hi, I'm wondering how I can change wich p5.js file is used when creating a new project with the p5js editor.
I know i can just go in and change the file manually after the project is generated, but that's a hassle.
Have you tried search for "p5.js" inside Editor's folders?
Once found, simply replace it w/ a newer version.
Yup, tried looking for that first, nothing there as far as I can see (windows ver 0.5.2), just a bunch of *.dll files and *.pak and whatnot...
Just downloaded it now and inspected its ".zip" file and you're right about it!
No way to customize it. It's completely locked up! [-(
In PDE's JavaScript & CoffeeScript modes we can change both ".html" & ".js" files inside subfolder "template/".
Rather than reinventing the wheel w/ such inflexible app, they coulda just modified "CoffeeScript Mode" as "P5JS Mode" very easily. :-@