How to make the ellipse change color apposed to black and white

edited October 2015 in Library Questions

At the moment when using the slider the ellipse goes from black - white, however I'd like it to go from the colors in my code (maroon - green) any help would be greatly appreciated!

import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5;

color maroon = color(125, 18, 38); color purple = color(153, 27, 79); color red = color(237,32,36); color orange = color(245,126,32); color yellow = color(237,233,55); color green = color(197,218,64);

public int sliderValue = 100;

void setup() { size(700, 400);
background(255); cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

cp5.addSlider("sliderValue") .setRange(0, 300) .setPosition(40, 40) .setSize(200, 29) ;


void draw() { ellipse(350,200,200,200); fill(sliderValue); noStroke(); smooth();



  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2015 Answer ✓

    Please format the code properly

    Anyway, I thought in a way of doing so. Don't know if its a clever one, but works...

    import controlP5.*; 
    ControlP5 cp5;
    color[] palete;
    int index = 0;
    public int sliderValue = 100;
    void setup() { 
      size(700, 400);
      palete = new color[6];
      palete[0] = color(125, 18, 38); 
      palete[1] = color(153, 27, 79); 
      palete[2] = color(237, 32, 36); 
      palete[3] = color(245, 126, 32); 
      palete[4] = color(237, 233, 55); 
      palete[5] = color(197, 218, 64);
      cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
      cp5.addSlider("sliderValue") .setRange(0, (palete.length -1) * 100) .setPosition(40, 40) .setSize(width-50, 29) ;
    void draw() { 
      background (255);
      // see the colors...
      for (int i = 0; i < palete.length;i++) {
        int x = (i+1)* 40;
        ellipse( x, 10, 20, 20);
      // uncomment those to see from and to colors
      //ellipse(225, 200, 50, 50);
      //ellipse(475, 200, 50, 50);
      index = getIndexFromSliderValue(sliderValue);
      ellipse(350, 200, 200, 200);
    // advance trough palete at right moment based on slider value
    int getIndexFromSliderValue(float val) {
      for (int i = 0; i < palete.length; i++) {
        int v = i*100;
        if (val >= v && val < v+100) {
          index = i;
      return index;
    color lerpedColor(float val) {
      color from = color(0, 0);
      color to   = color(0, 0);
      // if last, hard set from and to
      if (index == palete.length-1) {
        from = palete[palete.length-2];
        to   =  palete[palete.length-1];
      else {
        // or just pick this and next color
        from = palete[index];
        to   = palete[index+1];
      // hack to keep last color lerp amt 1 (hummm :- ( ugly)
      // and get a 0. to 1. range out of slider
      float amt = val == 500? 1.0:(val%100)/100;
      //lerp it
      return lerpColor(from, to, amt);
  • Thank you, that's wonderful!

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