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hello all,
as some of you know, the German Digital library has published a API for their meta data. You need to get an API-key from them which takes a few days and then you can retrieve information about titles of books etc.
Anyway, I made a JSON query for one title. Only one title.
The query is somewhat compley since the main JSONobject contains other JSONobjects and even a JSONarray.
You need to get your own API-Key and write it into the code.
I failed to load the image of the insitution the book belongs to. The institution is shown in red.
All rights are by the Deutsche-Digitale-Bibliothek.
Greetings, Chrisir
// URL of DDB server with dataset ID and requested method
final String ddb_url = "https://api.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/items/4XJ4PI7Q4LAG5IWBTV2J57RLUM6WBRDL/view"; // public key for one book
final String ddb_key = ""; // API-key - get your own
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.HashMap;
void setup () {
size (1200, 798);
void draw () {
showData ();
println ("Done");
void showData () {
// get JSON data via query parameter authentication
// build query expression
String queryJsonURL = "";
try {
// remember: use URL encoded Strings online -> URLEncoder.encode(s, enc)
queryJsonURL = ddb_url + "?oauth_consumer_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(ddb_key, "UTF-8");
println (queryJsonURL);
catch (Exception e0) { // Encoding Exception
// failed
println ("Error e0 = " +e0 + " internal error number is 4242.");
JSONObject values = null;
try {
values = loadJSONObject(queryJsonURL);
catch (Exception e1) { // Exception
// failed
println ("Error e1 = " +e1 + " internal error number is 8080.");
if (values == null) {
println ("values is null, sketch stops ");
println (" You probabaly must get a API-key from http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de ");
println (" see http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/content/news/2013-11-04-001 ");
} // if
// this evaluates the JSONObject
evaluate (values);
} // else
} // func
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void evaluate (JSONObject values) {
JSONObject itemValue1 = values.getJSONObject("item");
// the title (here are some more values that are not shown here)
textSize (22);
text (itemValue1.getString ("title"), 20, 27 );
JSONObject itemValue2 = itemValue1.getJSONObject("fields");
// ----------------------------------------------------
println("for-loop ");
int y=90;
textSize (18);
JSONArray itemValue3 = itemValue2.getJSONArray("field");
for (int i = 0; i < itemValue3.size(); i++) {
JSONObject infoEntity = itemValue3.getJSONObject(i);
String name = infoEntity.getString("name");
String value = infoEntity.getString("value");
String id = infoEntity.getString("@id");
text(name +
": \n " +
value +
" (@id: " + id+")",
30, y );
y+=80; // next infoEntity
// println(name + ", " + value + ", " + id);
} // for
JSONObject institutionValue1 = itemValue1.getJSONObject("institution");
println("institution ");
println(institutionValue1 );
String institutionName = institutionValue1.getString ("name");
// this doesn't work:
// Load image from a web server
String whatToLoad = findLinkInURL ( institutionValue1.getString ("logo") );
try {
// whatToLoad = URLEncoder.encode( whatToLoad, "UTF-8");
catch (Exception eImage) {
// do nothing
PImage institutionImage = loadImage ( whatToLoad, "jpg" );
if (institutionImage!=null)
image (institutionImage, width-300, 150);
// this works :
fill(244, 3, 3);
text ("Institution", width-300, 90);
text (institutionValue1.getString ("name"), width-300, 110);
text (institutionValue1.getString ("url"), width-300, 130);
} // func
String findLinkInURL (String url) {
// expects a hyperlink like <a href="link"> yet text </a> and gives you the "link"
int start = url.indexOf("<a href=\"") + 9;
int stop = url.indexOf("\">");
String buffer = url.substring(start, stop);
println ( buffer );
return buffer;
} // func
What does the content of whatToLoad looks like?
It's a link to an Image
It's the return value of the func findLinkInURL
ok, I 'll check and insert a println there...
maybe I overlooked a " or so ...
Thank you...
"It's a link to an Image"
Yes, but I wanted to see this link... Is it absolute? Relative? http? https? ftp? Etc.
PhiLho, thank you, this is it:
http://content.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/binaries/institution-institutionen/20120720/edit/00005860/BSB_Logo_2c_300dpi rgb_srgb.jpg
I didn't read the docu on images from the German Library, maybe they say something about loading binaries
there's a space ' ' in it but it works if I copy the entire line in my browser...
oh, now it works, it was indeed caused by the space ' ' in the link whatToLoad which I had to replace by %20
Thank you!!!
see line 137 below
full code:
I now made a complete new program that can search the database
API-key - get your own, sorry
it comes with two states
I made a new version with search, you get a full srollable menu with the results (thanks to ControlP5!) and you can click a result and get the detail informaton of that book.
Any interested person please drop me a line..