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Hello there,
Last week thanks to the help of GoToLoop I manage to get a RFIP reader to work. And eventually I made this code that shows a picture for a a few second if the RFID reader reads the correct card.
import processing.serial.Serial;
static final String COMPARADOR = "4500B8C02A17";
static final String DEPOSITO = "Deposito $50";
static final String SALDO = "Saldo en 0";
String mensaje = "Texto inicial";
int tiempo;
int espera = 5000;
PImage imagen;
int contador = 1;
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
frame.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 0));
imagen = loadImage("1.jpg");
String[] portas = Serial.list();
new Serial(this, portas[0], 9600).bufferUntil(ENTER);
tiempo = millis();
void draw () {
if (COMPARADOR.equals(mensaje)) {
image(imagen, width/2, height/2);
if (millis() - tiempo >= espera) {
mensaje = SALDO;
tiempo = millis();
} else {
print("Pasada #: ");
print("Tiempo: ");
void serialEvent(Serial s) {
mensaje = s.readString().trim();
The thing is that there will be many cards and what I want is that each card can be used only once. So If a card is read for the first time, the image is displayed. If the same card is read later nothing happens.
So far I read about saving/loading data from a .txt file, and I guess this is the easiest way. To store (in a .txt file) the cards that have been read, and to check (in the same .txt file) every time a new card is read and if has been already read nothing happens, and if it is the first time is read the image is displayed.
I am trying but with no success, any ideas?
is necessary to accompany the String[] array.Exactly, each card will have its own COMPARADOR (which is its own ID). What I need is a String that stores the "used cards" (because the can only be used once).
What is not clear to me is when to save to the .txt file. Because I want the used cards information to be available always, I mean in case I restart the program.
And also is not clear the
what is for?To store the "used up" state as
. Not used asfalse
Perhaps you may consider using the Table class to both loadTable() & saveTable() the IDs states:
@GoToLoop Thanks! I had no idea about tables, I'll try
So I've been dealing with this table but with no success. I made a table with the first column, named
which contains all of the ids of the cards (I will have to load them later) and the second column with thestate
, 0 = the card hasn't been read yet. 1 = the card has been read.I have 2 problems:
I get NullPointerException while trying to get the row corresponding to the id read from the serial. If I print the row's value I get a NULL
If the state is 0, which means that the vcard hasn't been used, I show the image for a few seconds and then I need to change the value of the state to 1. I don't know the row ID for the
The .csv file is this:
Please take a look at the comments in the code:
Any ideas???
(table = loadTable("data.csv", "header")).setColumnType("state", Table.INT);
hmmmm... I tried
and it seems to work because then I print the columns typesprintln(table.getColumnTypes());
and column state is int now.BUT the problem is in the read of mensaje:
TableRow result = table.findRow(mensaje, "id");
Please see the print when I try to find the row of the id 4500B8C02A17 (the only card i have now)
and consider it as "not found".I see, but I don't get null (and I shouldn't as the card I'm reading is the one in the third position), I get this strange reads:
Card I'm reading has the id in the 3rd position:
So I have no idea what is happening :(
and it doesn't@Override
toString() method, that's what happens when we attempt to print() it.I have no idea what you are talking about here: :-?
And is not working, because the ID of the card that I have is: 4500B8C02A17. When I read the card, I should get a 0 when printing result (instead of the "strange values") , or am I missing something? :-/
Nope! You should get a
) when using method getInt().If instead you attempt to directly print() a Table or a TableRow object, you'll get those "strange" things.
Again, due to lack of
their toString() method:http://docs.Oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#toString--
I feel so dumb L-)
Thanks again for your help! ^:)^ I can continue on my own (for a bit). :D