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I'm making a program with keypresses that activate a picture and a sound at the same time. My pictures only appear when the key is being held down and won't stay when I release. I want them to stay as long as the sound lasts. I found the delay function, but that delays the entire program. It effects my other moving functions that I need to keep running as it plays. With my sounds, when I press the keys down for an extra half second, it plays the sound twice within 1/10 of a second of one another which makes an echo that sounds really weird. Does anyone know how to make a delay specific to one variable and how to disable a sound from repeating until it is done playing
Processing's version? Using minim?
Maybe you can check if sound is playing before triggering it again, with minim there is
method, don't know about new sound library in processing 3... With minim I think a look at AudioSample can help...http://code.compartmental.net/minim/audiosample_class_audiosample.html
I'm on processing 3 and I'm using 'import processing.sound.*;' Thanks for the help though