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Cannot link the shader program...
#version 410
uniform mat4 transform;
in vec4 vertex;
in vec4 color;
in vec4 texCoord;
out vec4 vertColor;
out vec4 vertTexCoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = transform * vertex;
vertColor = color;
vertTexCoord = texCoord;
the frag:
#version 410
uniform sampler2D texture;
in vec4 vertTextCoord;
uniform vec2 texOffset;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = vertTextCoord;
I know the shader doesn't make much sense. It is just the start of something :) It only makes no sense to me why this doesn't work.
Nevermind, I had vertTextCoord... text... It's a bit early, my eyes are not yet fully open :)
Haha :D Yeah, these 4-o'clock-in-the-morning-typos...