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I want to extract color information from web camera image, and I want it translate to sound.
I have prepared the sound part as attached code, but I have no idea how to connect it to web camera.
The image is like attached.
Can anybody help me?
If you need more information, please let me know.
Color Music Code Example
import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.signals.*;
Minim minim; AudioOutput out;
// 各音の周波数設定 final int note[]={262,294,330,349,392,440,494,523};
void setup() { size(255,255); minim = new Minim(this); // get a line out from Minim, default bufferSize is 1024, default sample rate is 44100, bit depth is 16 out = minim.getLineOut(Minim.STEREO);
// とりあえずの画像としてカラーチャートを描く。 colorMode(HSB,255); for(int i=0; i<255;i++){ for(int j=0;j<255;j++){ stroke(i,j,255); point(i,j); } }
// RGBよりも「色」として扱いやすいHSBにして、分解能を音の数に設定する colorMode(HSB,note.length); }
void draw() { }
// このメソッドに色を与えると対応した音を出す void playColor(color h){ MyNote newNote; newNote = new MyNote(note[(int)hue(h)], 0.2); }
// マウスクリックした点の色を拾い、playColorを呼び出す void mousePressed(){ color c=get(mouseX,mouseY); playColor(c); }
void stop() { out.close(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); }
class MyNote implements AudioSignal { private float freq; private float level; private float alph; private SineWave sine;
MyNote(float pitch, float amplitude) { freq = pitch; level = amplitude; sine = new SineWave(freq, level, out.sampleRate()); alph = 0.9; // Decay constant for the envelope out.addSignal(this); }
void updateLevel() { // Called once per buffer to decay the amplitude away level = level * alph; sine.setAmp(level);
// This also handles stopping this oscillator when its level is very low. if (level < 0.01) { out.removeSignal(this); } // this will lead to destruction of the object, since the only active // reference to it is from the LineOut }
void generate(float [] samp) { // generate the next buffer's worth of sinusoid sine.generate(samp); // decay the amplitude a little bit more updateLevel(); }
// AudioSignal requires both mono and stereo generate functions void generate(float [] sampL, float [] sampR) { sine.generate(sampL, sampR); updateLevel(); }
Color Tracking Code Example
import processing.video.*; Capture cap; color target = color(HSB, 255); // 追跡する色
void setup(){ size(640, 480); // 画面サイズ smooth(); // 描画を滑らかに String[] cams = Capture.list(); // 接続されている全カメラ名を取得 cap = new Capture(this, cams[0]); // カメラのキャプチャ cap.start(); }
void draw() { if (cap.available()){ // 変数の宣言 int x = width/2; // 追跡対象のx座標 int y = height/2; // 追跡対象のy座標 int dmax = 21; // 追跡対象判定の閾値 int xmin = width; // 追跡する画素のx座標最小値 int ymin = height; // 追跡する画素のx座標最大値 int xmax = 0; // 追跡する画素のy座標最小値 int ymax = 0; // 追跡する画素のy座標最大値 cap.read(); // カメラ映像の取得 image(cap, 0, 0); // カメラ映像の表示 // 色検出 for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++){ // 目標の色との差を計算 float dr = abs( red(target) - red(cap.pixels[i]) ); float dg = abs( green(target) - green(cap.pixels[i]) ); float db = abs( blue(target) - blue(cap.pixels[i]) );
} }
// マウスクリックした画素の色を追跡対象にする void mousePressed(){ target = cap.pixels[mouseX+mouseY*width]; }
You'll get a better response if you format your code. Here's how:
Thank you. I do that! Sorry for bothering you!!