sketch with oscP5 library on the web

edited November 2013 in JavaScript Mode

Hi, I've made a sketch which convert osc message into graphics with the OSCP5 library. for example the mess OSC /draw/circle 40,90 will draw a circle at xpos = 40 & ypos 90.

I'd like to known if I can put this sketch on a server, and if a client could send OSC message via internet to this server, which will then translate into graphics .

I try to put my sketch.pde on a server via processing.js but I read that processing.js don't integrate the library from processing... does a sketch who use a library can run on internet ?

thank you.


  • Answer ✓

    "does a sketch who use a library can run on internet ?"

    No. And network libraries are probably even more problematic...

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