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Could someone please tell me how I can get this sketch to work in Processing 3? I've tried using surface.setResizable() and surface.setSize() etc which changes the display window to the right dimensions but the image still does not get displayed in it ... [argh: how do I get code to display properly in here?]
PImage tmp;
PImage[] img = new PImage[2];
int x, y, w, h, r=100, r2=100;
int num = int(map(r2,0,100,10000,2000));
void setup() {
img[0] = loadImage("3.jpg");
img[1] = loadImage("4.jpg");
size(img[0].width, img[0].height);
void draw() {
void mouseReleased() {
void keyPressed() {
void doStuff(int v, float v1, float v2) {
w = (int) random(r2, 3*r2);
h = (int) random(r2, 3*r2);
x = (int) random(v1, v2-w);
y = (int) random(height-h);
tmp = createImage(w, h, RGB);
int c=0;
for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
tmp.pixels[c] = img[v].get(x+i, y+j);
tint(255, 100);
image(tmp, x+random(-r, r), y+random(-r, r));
void initStuff() {
for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
doStuff(0, 0, width/2);
doStuff(1, width/2, width);
Code formatting information is here: http://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/8045/how-to-format-code-and-text
Ok, thanks.
It made it work like this now, I guess that's the right way to go then?
Another option: use PGraphics object as a buffer. Work with buffer only and display it in draw() function rescaling to the window size. There are two adventages in this way: you can work with huge image sizes and when surface is changed by user you don't loose window content.
tsuleg: but I sometimes want the display window to take its size from the referenced image/photo. And that size might change, depending on the image/photo. So I guess I have to go with the solution above. Even if it's more code to write than in Processing 2.
To explain where the change came from, please read this: https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Changes-in-3.0#things-that-may-break-your-2x-sketches
Specifically this:
Thanks, and stuff like the enhanced fullscreen support are great indeed. I guess it's just somewhat annoying if you suddenly have to do stuff differently or use more code to achieve the same ;) But overall the decision for this makes sense, of course. Maybe I'm also just a bit grumpy today ;P
We considered it carefully, over many years. It was a situation of making things better for the 90% case of wanting fast, full-screen programs and fewer edge-case bugs.