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I want to use multiple colors that are stored in an array. Here I set red and green for example:
targetColorsRGBA = new float[] {1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1};
shader.set("targetColors", targetColorsRGBA, 4);
shader.set("targetColorsCount", (int) (targetColorsRGBA.length/4));
Now how can I use that array?
If I use targetColors[i]
I get an error.
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
uniform sampler2D texture;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
uniform vec4[] targetColors;
uniform int targetColorsCount;
void main() {
vec4 result = texture2D(texture, vertTexCoord.st).rgba;
for (int i = 0; i < targetColorsCount; i++) { // targetColors.length doesnt work
result.r += targetColors[i].r; // <<<< help!!!
gl_FragColor = result;
This works but it is an insult to programming:
for (int i = 0; i < targetColorsCount; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
result.r += targetColors[0].r;
else if (i == 1) {
result.r += targetColors[1].r;
else if (i == 2) {
result.r += targetColors[2].r;
please help!
You have to implicitly set the array's size inside the shader:
And in case you wanna use dynamically sized arrays, just recompile the shader every time the array's size has changed:
Btw.: Some graphics card drivers are less strict and do not force you to set the required GLSL version, but most of them do and will simply crash your sketch if you are using features of version 1.10 and higher.
Thanks man, that helped a lot!
I want to compile the shader within processing now but I get version '120' is not supported. How can I figure out what it should be?
Using a Mac? Because the PShader(PApplet, String[], String[]) doesn't seem to work as expected on OS X.
yeah I'm working on my last Mac :) Been using mac for around 10 years now and i'm sick of it...
Well there's a simple solution, just by a Windows PC. :P
Just kidding. ;) What GLSL version do you have?
I have a beast from a pc, half the price of a mac, double the performance :) And once this monitor come out i'm even more happy :)
I have GLSL 4.10.
About the PShader(PApplet, String[], String[]) not working as expected, i assume this is a processing bug?
I changed the code you posted to use '#version 410' but now I get a beautiful error:
Cannot compile vertex shader:ERROR: 0:3: 'attribute' : syntax error: syntax error
Does this run for you on the pc (I don't have a monitor at the moment :-* ) I wan't a bare bones example to report as a bug.
It seems like the shader can't init. (Make a call to
gives the same error).Nice monitor! :D I have GLSL 4.5.
Your code actually runs as my nvidea drivers are pretty forgiving, but it shouldn't. attribute and varying are deprecated since GLSL version 1.3 (if I remember correctly), you have to replace attribute with in and varying with out in the vertex shader and varying with in in the fragment shader. Additionally you'd have to add your own out vec4 for gl_FragColor (it's also deprecated).
This, should work, also I can't really test version specific changes as my drivers are too forgiving. :D
Long live teamviewer, I looked at my pc and I have GLSL 4.5 as well. And yeah it seems to be very forgiven. On my pc it runs as well, on my mac I get:
Cannot compile fragment shader:ERROR: 0:7: Invalid call of undeclared identifier 'texture2D'ERROR: 0:8: Use of undeclared identifier 'result'
I founded that
is replaced bytexture
. Which seems correct since using this get rids of the error.However now I get Cannot link shader program:Unknow error (<the spelling error is correct!). It happens on
.Maybe I was a bit early with opening an issue. Although it was opened for the Sting[] String[] issue.
Ok I know a bite more. This should help you as well :D
Then in the vertex shader you have
out vec2 vertTexCoord;
. In the fragment you havein vec4 vertTexCoord;"
. Those 2 should match.This runs on my mac!
I went for vec2 since it's probably a few nanoseconds faster :!!
Oh, sorry! texture2D() is also depricated! Use texture() instead. Updated the code.
Sorry again, I copied it from your code, although it shouldn't matter because of vector packing.
Yeah, because it will actually default to PROCESSING_TEXTURE_SHADER.
Probably not, as modern graphics cards will compute 32bit (one vec4) or 64bit (two vec4) at once. Working with smaller data packets can actually slow down the shader execution, but that's up to the GLSL optimizer. Anyways, it's of course always a good practice to use as few memory/instructions as possible.
Good point about the byte size, didn't think of that.